Best Spanish Language Learning App

Looking to join the over 500 million Spanish speakers in the world?


Promova is the best Spanish language learning app for dedicated learners. Explore 140+ lessons at A1, B1, and C1 skill levels. Turn Spanish practice into a habit by spending just a few minutes daily on fun quizzes and exercises!

Spanish language learning app
hand-holding-flag-of-spain 1.svg
20mTotal downloads
4.7App rating

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Why learners choose Promova

Vocabulary practice

Effortlessly learn new Spanish words and remember them months later! 

  • Learn hundreds of new vocabulary words with interactive lessons.
  • Explore unique illustrations created to help improve your memory.
  • Use handy flashcards to get word definitions and track your progress.

Explore 140+ helpful lessons


Discover important Spanish rules and learn to use them in daily life!

  • Learn grammar easily with creative, illustrated lessons.
  • Complete interactive quizzes to practice and apply the rules.
  • Remember everything you learn with spaced repetition methods.

Improve with ease

What does a Spanish language learning app created by expert teachers look like? It’s easy to understand, friendly, and fun! Every lesson is both useful and exciting because they’re designed for the real world. You’ll quickly understand words and pick up rules without much effort.

Practice all language skills


Practice for just a few minutes every day to get used to Spanish. Get useful notifications and track your learning progress. Remember everything you learn with handy quizzes and flashcards. Become a lifelong learner and practice Spanish as part of your daily routine!

What you’ll find in the app

Want to try it for yourself? Hit the Spanish language learning app download link below!

Try Promova
Mobile Promova

Vocabulary practice

Effortlessly learn new Spanish words and remember them months later! 

  • Learn hundreds of new vocabulary words with interactive lessons.
  • Explore unique illustrations created to help improve your memory.
  • Use handy flashcards to get word definitions and track your progress.

Grammar practice

Discover important Spanish rules and learn to use them in daily life!

  • Learn grammar easily with creative, illustrated lessons.
  • Complete interactive quizzes to practice and apply the rules.
  • Remember everything you learn with spaced repetition methods.

Language use practice

Become familiar with Spanish through helpful and practical exercises!

  • Fun activities created by expert Spanish teachers just for you.
  • Modern phrases and colloquial expressions Spanish natives use.
  • Interactive learning to help you practice anywhere and at any time.

See what learners say

Flag of United States
Melania Afra Aug 13, 2022

This a very good app! I learned a lot of Spanish in 3weeks! I recommend this app!


App Store

Flag of United States
Soon2bfluentJan 7, 2022

This Spanish learning app actually helps you learn real sentences rather than just words. This is important because ultimately you need sentence structure to speak to natives - not just words! Definitely worth it!


Google Play

SpanishLover3791Apr 12, 2022

What I love about this app is its audio-visual teaching method. It leaves a longer impression on the mind and in the memory and makes the memorization of the Spanish vocabularies very easy and pleasant.

hand-holding-flag-of-germany 1.png
khasancoderJun 15, 2022

Well, first of all I have to mention that fact the app is very clear at explanation and everything is catchable for everyone. Second of all I’m absorbing all the new words easily day by day thanks for creating this app i really appreciate it)

Frequently asked questions

What is the best language app to learn Spanish?

There’s no shortage of Spanish language learning apps because it’s one of the most popular languages. That said, most don’t have methods explicitly designed for the language. Instead, they use an introductory catch-all course or even algorithms to generate lessons. 

Our approach is different because we worked with expert Spanish teachers to design every lesson.

Promova is among the best language learning apps for Spanish, with over 7 million downloads. We have thousands of reviews from learners who used our tools to achieve personal and professional goals. You’re on our website already, so why not check it out yourself? :)

How long does learning Spanish take?

Speakers of English and other Indo-European languages find it easier to learn Spanish because it uses many familiar words and rules. However, it still takes anywhere from 250 to 350 hours of dedicated learning to become conversational.  

If you use language learning apps, Spanish becomes a lot more accessible. You can spend just 5-10 minutes on lessons every day, and this time will add up. After a year, you’ll make fantastic progress, and this time investment won’t feel like such a daunting task at all.

Is Promova good for intermediate or advanced Spanish learners?

Yes! Our Spanish lessons go from A1 to B1 and all the way to C1, according to CEFR. So, they cover beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners. However, the course still grows and gets better every month.

We aim to create the best Spanish language learning apps available, and guiding you through the entire journey is a big part of that. We regularly add new lessons and interactive tools to ensure you succeed in your personal and professional learning goals.

Do I need a subscription to use the app?

Nope! Many lessons are always free for casual learners to explore as much as needed. However, if you’re serious about Spanish, we recommend you explore premium features available with a subscription. You can also get a trial of the subscription before you commit to it.