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Diversify your English: find synonyms, boost your language confidence

Benefits of Using Synonyms

Feeling overwhelmed with saying "good", "happy", and "sad" all the time? We all start with basic vocabulary like "happy" and "sad", but the English language offers a rich synonym range to brighten your expression. Promova's synonym search feature will help you unlock new words for well-known meanings and take your English to the next level.


Clear сommunication

Synonyms help you express yourself clearly and avoid misunderstandings.


Richer vocabulary

Learning synonyms expands your vocabulary without needing a ton of new definitions.


Improved writing

A broader vocabulary with synonyms helps you avoid repetitive phrases, mastering a more engaging and dynamic writing style.


Reading comprehension

When you encounter synonyms in reading materials, they become easier to understand when you realize their relationship to familiar words.

Enhance your vocabulary and master the magic of synonyms with the Promova app

Popular Synonyms to Enrich Your Vocabulary

Discover a variety of synonyms for commonly used words to diversify your language and drive your English skills. Get ready to impress!

Сhoosing the Right Synonyms

Check a thesaurus

Use a thesaurus to look up synonyms for a word. They can help you identify synonyms that best match the meaning you intend to convey.

Consider context 

Not all synonyms in English are equal. Think about the situation and the tone you're trying to achieve. While "happy" might be suitable for everyday conversation, "elated" could be more appropriate for a formal speech or writing.

Match your audience

Suit your language to your audience. Whether you're talking to colleagues in a professional setting, writing a research paper, or hanging out with friends, choosing the right synonym can make a big difference. 

Connotations matter

Words can have different nuances and emotional weight. Some synonyms can have positive, neutral, or negative connotations.

Boost your English proficiency with new vocabulary in the Promova app

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Promova is a good App that helps extending your vocabulary easily and fast. Lessons are interactive and mixture of listening, writing, guessing etc.

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Amazing app and conversational club! I absolutely adore you guys. I am your big fan, Keep up your great work! 🫶

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My first experience was amazing. I find Promova easy to follow instructions, it guides your pronunciation so well. I like the fact that communication skills are combined in one activity, including spelling, pronunciation, sentence construction, definitions ets. So far so good. I can't wait for my next lesson.

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I just loved this app soo much!! It is such a good app for learning English or any other language you want to!! It first make you memorize the words and then gives it to you in puzzles. I love it, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED<3

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Frequently asked questions

Why are synonyms important for English learners?

Synonyms are essential because they diversify your language, help you avoid repetition, and make your writing and speaking more exciting and dynamic. Learning synonyms enhances your vocabulary, improving the English language confidence and comprehension.

Can synonyms have slightly different meanings?  

Yes, although synonyms have similar meanings, they can have different connotations or be used in different contexts. It is crucial to choose a synonym that fits the specific context of your sentence.

How do I find the proper synonym for a word?  

Instead of just picking the first synonym you see, it's a good idea to check the definition of each to understand its specific meaning and usage. The best synonym in each case depends on the context in which you will use the word. The word you choose should match the overall tone. Also, check for antonyms (opposites) because thinking about the opposite of a word might give you ideas for synonyms. 

Are synonyms useful for improving my English vocabulary?

Absolutely, synonyms are incredibly beneficial for improving your English vocabulary. Although synonyms are not a perfect substitute (they often have slight differences in meaning), they are a powerful tool for developing a richer, more accurate, and more nuanced English vocabulary.
Synonyms offer subtle differences in nuance and formality. Once you master them, you can choose the exact word for a particular situation. Imagine having the word "say" for everything you say. With synonyms such as "claimed," "whispered," or "shouted," you can express yourself in much more detail!

When should I use synonyms in my text?

Use synonyms to avoid redundancy, increase the clarity of your writing, and keep your audience interested. They are especially useful in descriptive texts, essays, and creative writing.