Language of Choices: Creative Ways to Say You Like Something

Elly Kimreviewed byIryna Andrus / more about Editorial Process7 min
Created: Jun 12, 2023Last updated: Dec 27, 2023
Creative Ways to Say You Like Something

Embarking on a quest to diversify our language use is akin to setting off on a grand adventure. We start from familiar territories by using common expressions and venture into new realms filled with creative phrases, idioms, and nuanced collocations. One aspect of our language use that deserves attention is how we express our preferences. ‘I like’ synonyms abound in English, each with a distinct connotation that can add personality to our speech and writing. So this article will provide alternative ways to express your liking.

Unleashing Linguistic Power: Mastering the Many Shades of Preferences

Have you ever been stuck on the simple phrases ‘I like it’ or ‘I don’t like it’ when expressing your preferences? You are not alone. Typically, these phrases are our go-to options, serving as our linguistic comfort zone. However, they often fail to encapsulate the depth and nuance of our feelings. With its incredible richness and variety, the English language presents us with a whole array of expressions that can add color and flavor to our conversations.

Let’s consider the many shades of ‘like’ and ‘dislike.’ They are not just binary opposites; they exist on a spectrum, reflecting degrees of fondness or aversion. From mild interest to passionate love – our feelings can range widely and change dynamically. When we explore this spectrum linguistically, we’re empowered to portray our sentiments more accurately and intriguingly.

Beyond phrases and expressions, it’s also worth noting that our tone of voice, body language, and context can significantly shape our message. By modulating these aspects, we can enhance our communication’s effectiveness, ensure our intent is clearly understood, and cultivate more engaging and meaningful interactions.

As we embark on this journey to expand our linguistic horizons, remember that the goal is not just to memorize a list of alternate expressions. Instead, it’s about embracing the richness of the language, understanding the nuances each phrase brings, and becoming more conscious of how we express our preferences. 

Other Ways to Say ‘Like’: Fresh Options to Express Affection

Expressing affection or fondness is a universal human need. Still, we often find ourselves caught in the loop of saying, ‘I like it,’ to convey our preference. Yet, the English language teems with many expressions that can lend a refreshing twist to our dialogues. Whether it’s a new book that gripped our imagination or a delicious meal that tantalized our taste buds, the following phrases will provide another way to say ‘like’ with zest and charm:

  • I’m really into it.
  • It appeals to me.
  • I’m fond of it.
  • It captivates me.
  • I have a soft spot for it.
  • I’m smitten with it.
  • It’s to my liking.
  • I have a penchant for it.
  • It’s my cup of tea.
  • I’m head over heels for it.
  • It resonates with me.
  • It tickles my fancy.
  • I’m partial to it.
  • I take a shine to it.
  • I fancy it.

When we use varied expressions like these, we open up a world of possibilities in our communication. For example, consider how “I’m really into it” conveys a deeper level of involvement or interest, while “I’m smitten with it” indicates a sudden, often intense, liking. By embracing these diverse ways of expressing fondness, we can more accurately reflect the range and depth of our feelings, making our interactions more vibrant and engaging.

Charting the Negative Territory: Another Way to Say ‘Don’t Like It’

Just as there are countless ways to express liking, there’s an equally diverse array of words to indicate that something is not to our taste. ‘Don’t like it’ may be the phrase that most readily springs to mind. Still, English provides numerous alternatives to express our dislikes more dynamically. The phrases below enable you to show your feelings with a richer language palette:

  • It’s not my cup of tea.
  • I’m not a fan of it.
  • It doesn’t appeal to me.
  • I’m not keen on it.
  • It leaves me cold.
  • I don’t care for it.
  • It’s not up my alley.
  • I have an aversion to it.
  • It doesn’t sit well with me.
  • I’m not into it.
  • It doesn’t float my boat.
  • I find it off-putting.
  • It doesn’t tickle my fancy.
  • It’s not to my taste.
  • I’m not partial to it.

Saying that you like something else in all ways brings a fresh twist to our dislike statements, allowing us to articulate our feelings more accurately and interestingly. For instance, “It doesn’t sit well with me” hints at a deeper discomfort or disagreement, while “It’s not up my alley” conveys a more gentle disinterest.

How to Politely Express Displeasure

Delicacy is critical when expressing dissatisfaction or dislike, especially when the situation requires a gentle touch. Being respectful and polite while maintaining authenticity is an art for which the English language has graciously equipped us. Here are some useful phrases to express you like something else in all ways politely:

  • It’s not exactly my scene.
  • I must admit, I’ve had better.
  • It’s a bit out of my comfort zone.
  • It doesn’t spark my interest.
  • I have different preferences.
  • It might suit others’ tastes better.
  • I was hoping for something different.
  • I must say, it’s not my preference.
  • It doesn’t cater to my interests.
  • It hasn’t made it to my favorites list.

The beauty of these expressions lies in their respectful tone, allowing us to tell our feelings without creating tension or discomfort. By employing such phrases, we can ensure our conversations remain harmonious and respectful, even when our opinions diverge.


The Power of English Idioms: Creative Ways to Say You Like Something

The charm of English idioms lies in their ability to pack a punch of meaning into a handful of words. These distinct expressions, often unique to English, can bring color, flair, and fun to our conversations. Using idioms to express liking or interest provides a vibrant way to articulate our sentiments, allowing us to capture our listeners’ attention and keep our dialogues engaging and dynamic. Here are a few idiomatic expressions:

  1. It’s the cherry on top for me.
  2. It’s my knight in shining armor.
  3. I find it as cool as a cucumber.
  4. It hits the bullseye for me.
  5. I think it’s a hidden gem.
  6. It floats my boat.
  7. It’s the icing on the cake.
  8. It’s music to my ears.
  9. I consider it a breath of fresh air.
  10. It’s a feather in my cap.

By incorporating such ‘I like’ synonyms in our daily conversations, we can enhance the richness of our language, adding a delightful blend of creativity and expressiveness. So next time you want to express your liking, consider using one of these idioms and watch as it sparks interest and curiosity in the listener.

Enrich Your Vocabulary with Promova

Are you tired of struggling to communicate in English? Do you want to improve your vocabulary and speak more confidently with native speakers? Promova is the answer to your language-learning needs! Our online platform offers comprehensive English courses, personalized tutoring with certified professionals, and innovative tools to enhance your learning experience.

One such tool is our user-friendly language-learning app for iOS and Android devices. With the Promova app, you can access personalized lessons with just a few taps on your phone or tablet. Additionally, you’ll have access to helpful resources like quizzes, word lists, and flashcards designed to help reinforce new vocabulary words.

But at Promova, we believe connecting with other learners worldwide is equally important in mastering a foreign language. That’s why we created Conversation Club – an online community where people from different regions come together to practice their English skills through virtual discussions led by experienced moderators.

Our blog also serves as an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their English skills further. From helpful articles about the best way to learn English to informative posts on grammar rules, and regional dialects, it offers engaging content accessible at your own pace.


As we wrap up this exploration into how to say ‘I like’ or ‘I don’t like’ in English, we have an enriched vocabulary and a deeper appreciation for the language’s richness. With the expressions we’ve examined, we can go beyond the confines of ‘I like it’ and ‘I don’t like it,’ bringing more color, nuance, and precision to our collocations of preference. This linguistic journey serves as a reminder that in the world of language, there are always fresh phrases to adopt and colorful idioms to weave into our dialogues.


Is the tone of voice important when expressing likes and dislikes?

Absolutely. The tone of voice can significantly affect how our words are interpreted. For instance, even a phrase expressing dislike can sound polite and considerate in the right manner, while an expression indicating like could be insincere or sarcastic if the tone doesn’t match.

How can I practice using these new expressions?

One of the best practice methods is to incorporate these expressions into your daily conversations. You can also try writing exercises, like journaling or storytelling, using the new phrases. Watching movies or reading books can also provide context on using these expressions naturally.

Can these phrases be used in formal writing or presentations?

While idioms can add color to writing or presentations, using them judiciously in formal settings is essential. They can be used to engage the audience or convey a point more vividly, but they should not detract from the clarity or professionalism of the content.

What are some resources for learning more expressions and idioms?

The Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries and the Cambridge Dictionary are reliable online resources. Both have extensive lists of idioms and phrases with clear definitions and examples. They are excellent resources for anyone looking to expand their English vocabulary.
