French Basic Verbs: Mastering the Essentials

Grover Laughton13 min
Created: Sep 15, 2023Last updated: Dec 10, 2024
French Basic Verbs
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Step into the world of common verbs in French, where each term opens up a panorama of expressive possibilities. Verbs are the backbone of French conversations, pulsating with action, emotion, and nuances. Understanding them not only aids in crafting grammatically correct sentences but also in delving deeper into the spirit of the language. This guide will introduce you to the primary verbs in French, providing definitions, examples, and usage rules. 

Categories of Verbs in French

To master French verbs, one must acquaint oneself with their different categories. Compared with verbs in English or other languages, French words can be categorized into regular, irregular, reflexive, modal, action, and stative. Here, we explore these categories, diving into their distinct characteristics and uses:

  • Regular Verbs. These verbs follow predictable patterns in their conjugations. They come in three main endings: -er like ‘parler’ (to speak), -ir as in ‘finir’ (to finish), and -re like ‘vendre’ (to sell).
  • Irregular Verbs. These do not follow standard conjugation rules, meaning each verb is unique. Some frequently used ones include ‘être’ (to be), ‘avoir’ (to have), and ‘aller’ (to go).
  • Reflexive Verbs. Used with reflexive pronouns, these verbs often indicate actions directed at oneself. For instance, ‘se laver’ means ‘to wash oneself.’
  • Modal Verbs. These alter the mood of another verb. Common examples are ‘pouvoir’ (can) and ‘devoir’ (must).
  • Action Verbs. These depict activities or actions undertaken by the subject. Action words in French are dynamic and convey a sense of movement or change, such as ‘courir’ (to run).
  • Stative Verbs. These describe a state or condition rather than an action, offering insight into emotions, relationships, or states of being. Verbs like ‘aimer’ (to love) and ‘connaître’ (to know) fall into this category.

Understanding these distinct categories offers a structured approach to learning the language. From regular to French action verbs, all these types play a significant role in daily conversations, shaping the essence of the language.

The Regular French Verbs: An Overview

Regular verbs in French are the bedrock for learners because of their predictable conjugation patterns. They are grouped using infinitive endings: -er, -ir, and -re. Each group has its set of conjugation rules, which, once understood, can simplify the learning process immensely. Here’s a look at regular verb conjugation in the present tense:

Subject-er (parler)-ir (finir)-re (vendre)
jeparle (-e)finis (-is)vends (-s)
tuparles (-es)finis (-is)vends (-s)
il/elle/onparle (-e)finit (-it)vend (-)
nousparlons (-ons)finissons (-issons)vendons (-ons)
vousparlez (-ez)finissez (-issez)vendez (-ez)
ils/ellesparlent (-ent)finissent (-issent)vendent (-ent)

With these conjugation patterns under your belt, a significant proportion of French verbs will be accessible. The key is to practice regularly, using them in the correct context.

Common -er Verbs

Most French verbs are categorized under the ‘-er’ group. They are often tied to routine actions or general statements, offering a practical foundation for forming various sentences. Here’s the list of French verbs ending in -er and their translations:

  • Parler

A staple in the French lexicon, ‘parler’ translates to ‘to speak’ or ‘to talk.’ It’s a verb that finds its way into daily conversations, vital for establishing communication.

Elle veut parler avec toi. (She wants to talk with you.)

  • Manger

‘Manger’ means ‘to eat,’ a basic yet indispensable verb. From discussing meals to dietary habits, this verb is frequently used.

Tu manges trop de chocolat. (You eat too much chocolate.)

  • Chercher

Translating to ‘to look for’ or ‘to search,’ ‘chercher’ is another commonly employed verb, especially when locating something or someone.

Elle cherche un travail depuis longtemps. (She has been looking for a job for a long time.)

  • Écouter

Meaning ‘to listen,’ ‘écouter’ is integral when discussing music, conversations, or advice. It bridges the gap between speaker and listener, emphasizing paying attention.

Il ne m’écoute jamais quand je parle. (He never listens to me when I speak.)

  • Aimer

One of the most profound verbs, ‘aimer,’ translates to ‘to love’ or ‘to like.’ A versatile verb can describe romantic emotions, preferences, or simple fondness.

Elle aime voyager à travers le monde. (She loves to travel around the world.)

Key -ir Verbs

The ‘-ir’ verb group is also essential in French. They relate to actions and general statements. Here are some common French verbs ending in ‘-ir’ and their translations:

  • Finir

One of the most common ‘-ir’ verbs, ‘finir’ means ‘to finish’ or ‘to end.’ It’s frequently used to discuss the completion of tasks or events drawing to a close.

Je dois finir mon travail avant ce soir. (I have to finish my work before tonight.)

  • Choisir

Translating to ‘to choose’ or ‘to select,’ ‘choisir’ is an important verb when making decisions or expressing preferences.

Nous avons choisi ce restaurant pour son ambiance. (We chose this restaurant for its ambiance.)

  • Agir

Meaning ‘to act’ or ‘to take action,’ ‘agir’ is a dynamic verb reflecting urgency or the need for initiative.

Elle agit rapidement en cas d’urgence. (She acts quickly in case of emergency.)

  • Grandir

‘Grandir’ translates to ‘to grow’ or ‘to grow up.’ It’s a term often used when discussing development or maturity.

La plante grandit à la lumière du soleil. (The plant grows in the sunlight.)

  • Réussir

Meaning ‘to succeed’ or ‘to pass,’ ‘réussir’ embodies achievement or accomplishment.

Elle a réussi son examen avec brio. (She passed her exam with flying colors.)

Important -re Verbs

While ‘-re’ verbs are not as common as ‘-er’ and ‘-ir’ ones, they include some crucial words to know. Here is a list of important verbs ending in ‘-re’ and their translations:

  • Vendre

‘Vendre,’ meaning ‘to sell,’ is crucial in commerce and trade-related discussions. It denotes the act of exchanging goods for money.

Les fermiers vendent leurs produits au marché. (The farmers sell their produce at the market.)

  • Attendre

Translating to ‘to wait,’ ‘attendre’ is a versatile verb used in various scenarios, from waiting for someone to expecting an event.

Nous attendons avec impatience les vacances. (We eagerly await the holidays.)

  • Entendre

‘Entendre’ means ‘to hear.’ It signifies the act of perceiving sounds or listening to something unintentionally.

Tu entends cette musique? (Do you hear that music?)

  • Mettre

Translating to ‘to put’ or ‘to place,’ ‘mettre’ has many applications in daily conversations.

Je mets la clé sur la table. (I am putting the key on the table.)

  • Répondre

Meaning ‘to answer’ or ‘to reply,’ ‘répondre’ is an essential verb in dialogues, signifying a reaction to a query or statement.

Je ne sais pas comment répondre à cette question. (I don’t know how to answer this question.)

Discover Regular French Verbs

Irregular French Verbs and Their Usages

Irregular verbs in French, as in many languages, resist the usual conjugation patterns. Though their forms might seem unpredictable, their frequency in everyday conversation makes them indispensable. Here’s a deep dive into a few of these essential verbs:

  • Venir (to come)

‘Venir’ is all about origin or approaching from a place or point in time.

Elle vient de New York. (She comes from New York.)

  • Prendre (to take)

Whether it’s about taking an object, a path, or making a choice, ‘prendre’ is the verb at hand.

Je prends le train chaque jour. (I take the train every day.)

  • Dire (to say/tell)

Fundamental in communication, ‘dire’ facilitates narration and conveying messages or thoughts.

Il dit toujours la vérité. (He always tells the truth.)

  • Voir (to see)

‘Voir’ is a basic sense verb that denotes visual perception, understanding, or experiencing.

Je vois une belle église. (I see a beautiful church.)

  • Mettre (to put/set)

‘Mettre’ applies to putting something in place, setting up for an event, or even getting dressed.

Tu mets la table? (Are you setting the table?)

  • Croire (to believe)

‘Croire’ expresses belief in the truth of something and thinking something is accurate.

Je crois en toi. (I believe in you.)

  • Aller (to go)

‘Aller’ is used extensively to express motion, future events, or conditions.

Vous allez au cinéma ce soir? (Are you going to the cinema tonight?)

  • Sortir (to go out/leave) 

As its meaning shows, ‘sortir’ describes movement out of a place or situation.

Elle sort avec des amis ce soir. (She is going out with friends tonight.)

  • Boire (to drink)

The act of consuming a liquid for hydration, satisfaction, or health reasons is expressed by ‘boire.’

Je bois du thé tous les matins. (I drink tea every morning.) 

  • Courir (to run)

It’s about physical movement, or moving quickly towards objects of desire.

Tu cours très vite. (You run very fast.)

  • Connaître (to know)

‘Connaître’ refers to knowing someone or being familiar with something.

Je connais cette chanson. (I know this song.)

  • Mourir (to die)

‘Mourir’ describes the termination of life in an individual or a living thing.

Toutes les plantes sont mortes de froid. (All the plants died from the cold.)

  • Écrire (to write)

’Écrire’ refers to the act of writing or authoring something.

Je dois écrire un essai pour demain. (I have to write an essay for tomorrow.)

  • Dormir (to sleep)

‘Dormir’ expresses the state of resting or being asleep.

Les enfants doivent dormir huit heures par nuit. (Children should sleep eight hours per night.)


The Modal Verbs in French: Helpers in Action

Modal verbs in French, similar to those in English, assist in refining the meaning of the main verb in a sentence. While they don’t perfectly align with English modals, their function remains to set the mood or tense. Getting acquainted with these helper verbs is crucial for navigating more complex sentences and conveying nuanced meaning in conversations. Below are some frequently used French modal verbs and their explanations:

  • Avoir (to have)

‘Avoir’ is a crucial verb in the French language. It can be used to indicate possession, as well as in several idiomatic expressions and compound tenses.

J’ai un livre intéressant à lire. (I have an interesting book to read.)

  • Pouvoir (can/be able to)

This verb expresses the ability or permission to do something. It can also indicate possibility or potential.

Elle ne peut pas venir à la fête parce qu’elle doit étudier pour son examen. (She can’t come to the party because she has to study for her exam.)

  • Devoir (must/have to)

‘Devoir’ implies an obligation or duty to act as the main verb. The construction ‘devoir + infinitive’ is the equivalent of ‘to have to’ in English.

Tu dois finir tes devoirs avant de sortir. (You have to finish your homework before going out.)

  • Vouloir (want)

‘Vouloir’ expresses a wish or desire. It can also be used in polite requests, questions, and expressions of intent. 

Je voudrais que tu m’aides à comprendre cette leçon avancée de français. (I would like you to help me understand this advanced French lesson.)

  • Savoir (to know)

‘Savoir’ talks about someone knowing how to do something or knowing a fact. 

Je sais jouer du piano. (I know how to play the piano.)

  • Falloir (necessary/need to)

‘Falloir’ implies that the action of the main verb must occur. It is most commonly used in its third-person singular form, ‘il faut.’

Il faut que nous arrêtions de gaspiller l’eau. (We need to stop wasting water.)

  • Aimer (to like) 

‘Aimer’ expresses liking or fondness for something. It is also often used with the infinitive form of a verb to indicate that one likes doing something.

J’aime voyager pendant les vacances. (I like to travel during the holidays.)

  • Faire (to do, to make) 

‘Faire’ is one of the most versatile verbs in the French language. It describes actions, creates causative constructions, and even discusses the weather.

Elle fait ses devoirs. (She does her homework.)

  • Aller (to go) 

‘Aller’ is instrumental in discussing movement and future actions, especially in the near future.

On va regarder un film ce soir. (We are going to watch a movie tonight.)

  • Semble (to seem)

‘Semble’ is used to express what appears to be true or probable based on observations or evidence.

Il semble que tu aies raison. (It seems that you are right.)

Reflexive French Basic Verbs: Turning the Action Inward

Reflexive verbs, or ‘verbes pronominaux’ in French, are integral to the language, adding depth to how actions are portrayed. They often describe actions that a subject performs on itself, making them unique. These verbs are easily identifiable as they’re typically preceded by reflexive pronouns like ‘me,’ ‘te,’ ‘se,’ ‘nous,’ and ‘vous,’ which often match the subject. To master these verbs, it’s best to practice using them in various contexts. Here are basic French verbs that are often used reflexively:

  • Se laver (to wash oneself) 

An everyday verb, ‘se laver,’ indicates the act of washing oneself, emphasizing the reflexive nature of the action.

Elles se lavent les mains. (They wash their hands.)

  • Se réveiller (to wake up) 

This reflexive verb describes the act of awakening from sleep.

Tu te réveilles tôt. (You wake up early.)

  • Se souvenir (to remember) 

Rather than simply indicating memory, this verb has a personal touch, emphasizing the act of recalling something oneself.

Nous nous souvenons de cette journée. (We remember that day.)

  • Se détendre (to relax) 

This verb embodies the essence of relaxation, especially when one unwinds after a tiring day.

Vous vous détendez au parc. (You relax in the park.)

  • Se demander (to wonder) 

When in deep thought or questioning something, this verb comes into play.

Je me demande si elle viendra. (I wonder if she will come.)

  • Se coiffer (to do one’s hair) 

This verb encompasses grooming oneself, specifically in terms of hairstyling.

Il se coiffe tous les matins. (He does his hair every morning.)

  • Se plaindre (to complain) 

Highlighting dissatisfaction or discomfort, this verb is used when someone expresses their grievances.

Tu te plains toujours du temps. (You always complain about the weather.)

  • Se taire (to be quiet or to silence oneself) 

This verb implies voluntary silence or ceasing to speak.

Elle s’est tue quand il est entré. (She fell silent when he entered.)

  • Se moquer (to mock or make fun of) 

Indicating the act of jesting or not taking something seriously.

Ils se moquent de tout. (They make fun of everything.)

  • Se promener (to take a walk)

This verb usually denotes leisurely walking or strolling.

Vous vous promenez dans le parc après dîner. (You take a walk in the park after dinner.)

  • Se coucher (to go to bed)

This verb signifies the act of putting oneself to bed.

Nous nous couchons tôt ce soir. (We are going to bed early tonight.)

  • Se débrouiller (to manage or to get by) 

This verb is used when someone handles a situation on their own.

Je me débrouille seul (I manage by myself.)

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Mastering the most important verbs in French lays the foundation for fluent communication. Whether expressing a current action, reflecting on the past, or pondering hypotheticals, verbs are the key tool. They’re the heartbeat of every sentence, dictating its pace and direction. As you journey through French, remember that with each verb you learn, you unlock a new avenue of expression, bringing you one step closer to becoming fully versed in this beautiful and complex language.

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Why is it important to focus on verbs when learning French?

Verbs form the backbone of a sentence. By understanding basic verbs in French, learners can effectively convey actions, emotions, and states of being. Their mastery also aids in forming grammatically correct sentences, thus enhancing communication.

Are there any shortcuts to identifying whether a verb is regular or irregular?

While there’s no definitive shortcut, familiarity with the most common patterns of regular and irregular verbs over time will enable you to make educated guesses. Often, irregular ones are most commonly used in daily language.

Are there mnemonic devices or strategies to remember irregular verbs?

Yes, mnemonics, rhymes, or associating words with images or stories can be helpful. For instance, linking the verb ‘aller’ (to go) with an image of an airport can solidify its meaning.

Which digital resources are best for mastering French verbs?

Digital dictionaries such as WordReference and Collins French-English Dictionary are great. For verb conjugation, Le Conjugueur is invaluable, as it provides detailed conjugation patterns. The Promova French learning app provides guided courses, helping you master various aspects of the language at your own pace.


Freddie DixonOct 24th, 2023
I appreciate the simplicity of this article