75 Questions to Start Conversations with Friends in Mexico

Good conversations are the foundation of long-lasting friendships. In this article, you'll find simple and fun questions to start and maintain conversations with friends in Mexico, whether you’ve just met them or want to build a closer connection.
Let’s break the ice while you practice Spanish!
20 Icebreaker Questions to Get to Know Someone
After saying hello and introducing yourself, you can start with these basic questions to find common interests:
- ¿Dónde naciste? (Where were you born?): A simple way to learn about their origin and personal history.
- ¿Tienes hermanos? (Do you have siblings?): A chance to learn more about their family and personal experiences.
- ¿Tienes una familia grande o pequeña? (Do you have a big or small family?): This opens the door to talking more about their family and close relationships.
- ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? (What do you like to do in your free time?): Discovering hobbies can lead to talking about activities you both enjoy.
- ¿Tienes mascotas? (Do you have any pets?): If they do, you can ask about their names or funny stories about their current or past pets.
- ¿Cuál es tu tipo de comida favorita? (What’s your favorite type of food?): Food is a universal topic—ask about their favorite dishes or restaurant recommendations.
- ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito en tu ciudad? (What’s your favorite place in your city?): This can spark ideas for places to visit or activities to do together.
- ¿Qué música te gusta? (What kind of music do you like?): Talk about favorite genres or artists—who knows, you might end up going to concerts together!
- ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? (What’s your favorite color?): A simple question that might lead to stories about personal choices or design preferences.
- ¿Cuál es tu película favorita? (What’s your favorite movie?): Discussing movies opens up a world of possibilities for sharing recommendations and discovering new films.
- ¿Qué serie estás viendo ahora? (What (TV) series are you currently watching?): Another great way to chat about current entertainment and share opinions.
- ¿Te gustan los deportes? (Do you like sports?): Discover shared interests and talk about your favorite teams or recent games.
- ¿Te gusta viajar? (Do you enjoy traveling?): You can talk about favorite destinations or places they want to visit.
- ¿Cuál es tu estación del año favorita? (What’s your favorite season?): This can lead to a conversation about the activities they enjoy during specific times of the year.
- ¿Alguna vez has vivido en otro país o te gustaría hacerlo? (Have you ever lived in another country, or would you like to?): Learn about their life experiences and their travel or relocation aspirations.
- ¿Qué tipo de libros te gustan? (What kind of books do you like?): Open a conversation about favorite genres, titles, and authors.
- ¿Cuál es tu animal favorito? (What’s your favorite animal?): Knowing their favorite animal can be helpful in learning about their interests and personality traits, and would allow them to talk about their experiences with animals.
- ¿Te gusta hacer ejercicio? (Do you like working out?): This could lead to a chance to share workout routines or favorite physical activities.
- ¿Te gustan los videojuegos? (Do you enjoy video games?): Perfect for connecting with someone who shares this hobby.
- ¿Te gusta tener plantas naturales en casa? (Do you like having plants at home?): Find out if they enjoy plants and how they care for them.
10 Deep Questions to Strengthen Friendships
These questions are perfect for fostering more intimate conversations with close friends:
- ¿Qué es lo que más valoras en una amistad? (What do you value most in a friendship?) This will help you understand the expectations in your relationship.
- ¿Qué te motiva todos los días? (What motivates you every day?): Discover what inspires and guides your friend’s actions.
- ¿Cuál ha sido el mejor consejo que has recibido? (What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?): Opens up a reflective and enriching conversation.
- ¿Cómo afrontas los momentos difíciles? (How do you handle tough times?): Talking about resilience and emotional support can allow you to learn from each other.
- ¿Qué experiencia ha cambiado tu vida? (What experience changed your life?): Ideal for sharing significant events in their personal story.
- ¿Qué sueños te gustaría cumplir en el futuro? (What dreams would you like to achieve in the future?): Share goals and aspirations to support each other in achieving them.
- ¿Cómo describes tu infancia? (How would you describe your childhood?): A deep question to connect through personal memories.
- ¿Qué te hace sentir agradecido? (What makes you feel grateful?): It helps them reflect on the positive aspects of their lives.
- ¿Cuál es tu mayor miedo? (What’s your biggest fear?): Opens a sincere and empathetic conversation.
- ¿Qué significa el éxito para ti?: A deep question that explores perspectives on personal achievements.
10 Questions to Learn About People in Mexico
These questions help you get to know a Mexican person better, focusing on their customs and local traditions:
- ¿Cuál es tu platillo mexicano favorito? (What’s your favorite Mexican dish?) Perfect for talking about local cuisine and sharing food recommendations.
- ¿Conoces algún lugar oculto o poco conocido en tu ciudad que crees que los turistas deberían visitar? (Do you know any hidden or lesser-known places in your city that tourists should visit?): Discover secret spots locals know, like parks, cafés, markets, or historical buildings.
- ¿Quién es tu artista mexicano favorito? (Who’s your favorite Mexican artist?): A great way to discuss music and pop culture.
- ¿Qué opinas del cine mexicano actual? (What do you think about modern Mexican cinema?): Opens a dialogue about movies, directors, and notable actors.
- ¿Te gustan las artesanías mexicanas? (Do you like Mexican crafts?): Learn about their cultural significance and whether they have any at home.
- ¿Cuál es tu mercado mexicano favorito? (What’s your favorite Mexican market?): Talk about unique everyday experiences.
- ¿Alguna vez has ido a las luchas? (Have you ever been to a lucha libre match?): Lucha libre is a popular Mexican spectacle with a dedicated fan base.
- ¿Qué te parece mejor: el Pan de Muertos o la Rosca de Reyes? (Which do you prefer: Pan de Muerto or Rosca de Reyes?): A common debate in Mexico that can lead to entertaining conversations.
- ¿Qué tradiciones mexicanas practican en tu familia? (What Mexican traditions does your family practice?): Sparks discussions about family and regional customs.
- ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito para visitar en México? (What’s your favorite place to visit in Mexico?): Share travel recommendations and destinations.
10 Fun Questions to Ask Friends
These questions are great for keeping the conversation light and entertaining:
- Si ganaras la lotería mañana, ¿cuál sería la primera cosa que comprarías o harías? (If you won the lottery tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d buy or do?): A fun way to learn about their wildest dreams.
- Si fueras un superhéroe, ¿cuál sería tu poder y tu nombre? (If you were a superhero, what would your power and name be?): A creative and imaginative way to discover their personality.
- Si pudieras cenar con cualquier persona, viva o muerta, ¿quién sería? (If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?): Opens up a conversation about inspirational historical or contemporary figures.
- Si tu vida fuera una película, ¿qué género sería y quién te gustaría que interpretara tu personaje? (If your life were a movie, what genre would it be, and who would you want to play your character?): Explore their tastes and how they see themselves in a creative way.
- Si pudieras tener cualquier trabajo en el mundo, sin importar el dinero, ¿cuál elegirías? (If you could have any job in the world, regardless of money, what would you choose?): A great way to learn about their aspirations and deepest dreams.
- Si pudieras ser un animal por un día, ¿cuál serías y por qué? (If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be and why?): A playful way to explore animal traits and how they relate to their personality.
- Si pudieras vivir en cualquier época de la historia, ¿en cuál vivirías? (If you could live in any historical era, which one would it be?): Gain insight into their historical interests and the time periods they’re drawn to.
- Si fueras un personaje ficticio, ¿quién serías? (If you were a fictional character, who would you be?): Discover the types of characters they look up to while sharing a few laughs.
- ¿Si pudieras vivir en un lugar completamente diferente, dónde sería? (If you could live someplace that’s completely different, where would it be?): Learn about their dream lifestyle and environment.
- Si pudieras inventar una nueva festividad, ¿cuándo sería, de qué trataría y cómo se celebraría? (If you could create a new holiday, when would it be, what would it celebrate, and how would it be observed?): A creative way to learn what they value and how they’d celebrate something important.
25 Quick Questions to Get to Know Someone
If you don’t have much time, these questions allow you to get to know someone quickly. However, if you get a few minutes to spare, you can dig deeper into their answers for more meaningful conversations.
- Coffee or tea?
- Beach or mountains?
- Dogs or cats?
- Day or night?
- Sweet or salty?
- Cold weather or warm weather?
- Phone calls or text messages?
- Books or movies?
- Spicy food or non-spicy food?
- Pizza or tacos?
- Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
- Singing or dancing?
- Pop music or reggaeton?
- Watching sports live or on TV?
- Alcoholic drinks or non-alcoholic?
- Sneakers or sandals?
- Car or bike?
- Big cities or small towns?
- Fast food or homemade food?
- Cinema or theater?
- Hot drinks or cold drinks?
- Sunny days or cloudy days?
- Drawing or writing?
- Music or podcasts?
- Road trips or flying?
Asking interesting and relevant questions is an excellent way to start and maintain conversations in Spanish. Whether with new or close friends, these questions will help you practice the language while building meaningful connections.
Remember, the key is to listen carefully to others and keep practicing your skills through daily lessons with the Promova app, so you can communicate more clearly over time.
If you think of any additional questions that have worked for you when meeting people, share them with us in the comments! We love learning and growing with you.
What if I make mistakes while speaking Spanish or don’t understand my friend’s response?
Mistakes are a normal part of learning a language. Most people value the effort more than perfection, so keep practicing and don’t worry too much about making errors. If needed, ask for clarification with phrases like “¿Disculpa, puedes repetir eso?” (“Excuse me, can you repeat that?”) or “No entiendo, ¿puedes explicarlo de otra manera, por favor?” (“I don’t understand, can you explain it another way, please?)”
What are some useful expressions for keeping a conversation going in Spanish?
You can use phrases like “¿en serio?” (“Really?”), “¡Qué interesante!” (“That’s interesting!”), “¿Cómo te hizo sentir eso?” (“How did that make you feel?”), “cuéntame más” (“Tell me more”), or “¿Y qué pasó después?” (“And what happened next?”) to show interest and encourage the other person to keep talking.
What can I do if someone doesn’t respond much to my questions?
If their responses are short or unenthusiastic, try asking more specific questions or switching to a topic that’s more personal or fun. You can also share something about yourself to encourage reciprocity.
How can I practice these questions in Spanish if I don’t have Spanish-speaking friends?
You can practice on language exchange platforms, with a tutor, or even in front of a mirror. Writing down your questions and answers in a notebook can also help you memorize vocabulary and structures.
What types of questions might be considered inappropriate in Mexico?
Avoid overly personal topics, like income, sex, religion, or politics, especially if you’ve just met the person. These subjects can be discussed later, once there’s more trust in the relationship.