Oktoberfest and Beyond: Why Is It Important to Know Months in German

Ellison Clapton9 min
Created: Jul 25, 2024Last updated: Aug 8, 2024
Months in German

When you’re just starting to learn a new language, memorizing the basics like days and months might seem quite trivial. But trust us, there is no such thing as “not important” when it comes to mastering a foreign tongue. Knowing the names of the months in German can seriously help you explain yourself better, boost your vocab, and make casual interactions way easier. And that’s the main goal of today’s article. So make yourself comfortable, and let’s jump right in!

Seasonal Vocabulary: 12 Months in German and More

Before moving to the months, it is essential to memorize some related vocabulary. Here are key terms worth knowing when you talk about time and seasons in German:

  • Monat – [ˈmoːnat] – Month.
  • Jahreszeit – [ˈjaːʁəsˌtsaɪt] – Season.
  • Sommer – [ˈzɔmɐ] – Summer.
  • Frühling – [ˈfʁyːlɪŋ] – Spring.
  • Winter – [ˈvɪntɐ] – Winter.
  • Herbst – [hɛʁpst] – Autumn.

These are the main terms related to German months, one way or another. And now that we’ve figured that out, here are the names of the months in this language themselves. 

  • Januar – [ˈjaːnu̯aʁ] – January.
  • Februar – [ˈfeːbʁu̯aʁ] – February.
  • März – [mɛʁts] – March.
  • April – [aˈpʁɪl] – April.
  • Mai – [maɪ] – May.
  • Juni – [ˈjuːni] – June.
  • Juli – [ˈjuːli] – July.
  • August – [aʊ̯ˈɡʊst] – August.
  • September – [zɛpˈtɛmbɐ] – September.
  • Oktober – [ɔkˈtoːbɐ] – October.
  • November – [noˈvɛmbɐ] – November.
  • Dezember – [deˈtsɛmbɐ] – December.

Looks quite familiar, right? That’s because the German and English languages are related – both languages are members of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family. Hence, there are plenty of similarities, and the names of the months are not an exception.

Months of the Year in German: Quick Pronunciation Tips

Although the similarities between the names are a huge advantage since it will be much easier to memorize them if you already know them in English, they might also be quite tricky. All because there are still slight differences in German pronunciation. Therefore, if you want to pronounce the months of year in German clearly, keep in mind these simple tips:

  • German “j” sounds differ from English ones. In this language, they are pronounced like a “y” sound in the word “yes.” As a result, we receive Januar (yah-noo-ar), Juni (yu-nee), and July (yu-lee).
  • “S” and “z” sounds are also worthy of your attention because, in German, they sound almost exactly the opposite of their English counterparts. “S” sounds more like a “z” in the word “zoo,” giving us September (zep-tehm-ber). And “z” is a bit softer than in English, sounding more like a combination of “t” and “s” – Dezember (deh-tsem-ber).
  • Another sound you need to keep in mind is “u,” which is similar to English “oo,” like in the words “broom.” The most obvious example is the month of August (ow-goost).

Although these distinctions in the months in German might not look that much different, knowing them is essential for clear pronunciation and communication. So, if that’s what you’re aiming for, you should pay attention to these subtle dissimilarities. 


Using the Name of Every Month in German Conversations

Now that you’re familiar with the names, it’s about time to put them into practice. And the best way to do so is simply by seeing how all those months can be used in casual interactions. By learning this, you’ll not only see the context but also memorize different grammar structures related to this topic. Here are some examples to help you get started.

  • Januar

Im Januar beginnen viele Leute ihre Neujahrsvorsätze. (In January, many people start their New Year’s resolutions.)

Januar ist der kälteste Monat des Jahres hier. (January is the coldest month of the year here.)

Ich bin im Januar geboren, also ein Steinbock. (I was born in January, which makes me a Capricorn.)

  • Februar

Im Februar feiern wir Valentinstag. (In February, we celebrate Valentine’s Day.)

Der Februar ist immer so kurz, aber oft sehr ereignisreich. (February is always so short but often very eventful.)

Er ist ein großartiger Arzt, und es ist schwierig, einen Termin zu bekommen. Ich habe meinen Termin im Februar. (He is a great doctor, and it is difficult to get an appointment. I have my appointment in February.)

  • März

Im März beginnt der Frühling und alles blüht. (In March, spring begins and everything blooms.)

März ist mein Lieblingsmonat, weil ich dann Geburtstag habe. (March is my favorite month because I have my birthday then.)

Meine Mutter und meine Schwester wurden beide im März geboren. (My mother and my sister were both born in March.)

  • April

Im April kann das Wetter sehr wechselhaft sein. (In April, the weather can be very unpredictable.)

April ist perfekt für Frühlingsspaziergänge. (April is perfect for spring walks.)

Ich werde im April nach Paris fahren. (I’m going to Paris next April.)

  • Mai

Im Mai feiern wir den Tag der Arbeit. (In May, we celebrate Labor Day.)

Mai ist der Monat der Blumen und des schönen Wetters. (May is the month of flowers and beautiful weather.)

Ich mag gemütliche und warme Abende im Mai. (I like cozy and warm evenings in May.)

  • Juni

Juni ist ideal für erste Sommerausflüge. (June is ideal for early summer trips.)

Im Juni haben viele Schüler ihre Sommerferien. (In June, many students have their summer break.)

Mein bester Freund wird im Juni wieder in der Stadt sein! (My best friend will be back in town in June!)

  • Juli

Im Juli gehen wir oft zum Strand. (In July, we often go to the beach.)

Juli ist der heißeste Monat des Jahres. (July is the hottest month of the year.)

Ich habe im Juli Geburtstag. (I have my birthday in July.)

  • August

Im August ist der Sommer in vollem Gange. (In August, summer is in full swing.)

August ist perfekt für Grillabende im Garten. (August is perfect for barbecue evenings in the garden.)

August-Leos sind meine Lieblingsmenschen, wenn man nach dem Tierkreiszeichen urteilt. (August Leos are my favorite people, judging by the Zodiac sign.)

  • September

Im September beginnt der Herbst und die Blätter fallen. (In September, autumn begins, and the leaves fall.)

September ist ideal für Wanderungen in den Bergen. (September is ideal for hiking in the mountains.)

Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich dich das letzte Mal im September gesehen habe! (I can't believe the last time I saw you was in September!)

  • Oktober

Im Oktober feiern wir Oktoberfest. (In October, we celebrate Oktoberfest.)

Oktober ist die Zeit für Kürbisse und Halloween. (October is the time for pumpkins and Halloween.)

Ich habe mich im Oktober verliebt. (I fell in love in October.)

  • November

Im November wird es kälter und die Tage werden kürzer. (In November, it gets colder and the days get shorter.)

November ist der Monat der gemütlichen Abende drinnen. (November is the month for cozy evenings indoors.)

Ich freue mich schon auf den November, denn dann beginnen die ersten Weihnachtsvorbereitungen. (I’m already looking forward to November because that’s when the first Christmas preparations begin.)

  • Dezember

Im Dezember freuen sich alle auf Weihnachten. (In December, everyone looks forward to Christmas.)

Dezember ist die Zeit für Weihnachtsmärkte und Glühwein. (December is the time for Christmas markets and mulled wine.)

Wir sehen uns im Dezember wieder! (See you again in December!)

How to Learn German Months of the Year: Useful Strategies

The only way to master the names of the months is by basically memorizing them all. Just as simple as that. However, if you have trouble doing so, know that it’s completely normal – we all have different learning styles, so you might need to try a new approach. In the list below, we’ve concluded a few of the most common strategies that can help you memorize the names of the months in German language.

  1. Flashcards. This one is an oldie but goodie, and it works well for visual learners. All you need to do is basically create some flashcards with the name of the month in German on one side and its English translation on the other. After that, you can use those cards to memorize and practice the names.
  2. Mnemonic techniques. Another good thing you can do is create a catchy phrase that consists of the words; the first letter of each corresponds to the first letter of the month. Here’s one from us: Joyful Frogs March Around Muddy Jungle Journeys Amid Sunny Open Nature Daily.
  3. Chunking. If you feel a bit overwhelmed when trying to memorize all the months from December back to January in German, try dividing them into smaller groups. Start by learning them by seasons or quarters, and then just add them together in the right order.

These three are our favorite ones. They are easy to implement, yet they have a significant impact when it comes to learning new words in a foreign language. And always keep in mind that practice makes perfect! Go easy on yourself, give yourself as much time as you need, and don’t give up! Trust us – it always works like a charm.

How Do You Say the Month of March in German? Find out with Promova

Learning month names is only one small step towards fluency in the language. Yet, it is a significant one! Once you manage to do it, you’ll not only expand your vocabulary but also boost your confidence and encourage yourself to learn other things. And if you want to make your studying journey even more fun and efficient, you should try the Promova application.

Our app was created for those who believe that learning should be not only productive but also exciting. Within the application, you will find countless engaging and interactive lessons created by fellow language professionals. In addition to German, here, you can learn English, ASL, Spanish, Korean, French, and many other languages.

And if you have a busy schedule, don't worry! In Promova, we prefer the bite-sized learning approach. This way, you’ll be able to spend only a few minutes a day, focus only on the most important language features, and won’t feel overwhelmed by tons of tedious materials.

The Promova application is a go-to choice for both experienced learners and those who have just started their journey. Whether you want to memorize how to say March or November in German or learn some advanced idiomatic expressions, you will easily find suitable materials within the app. You can install the application on both iOS and Android devices and use it anywhere and anytime. So give Promova a try!


Summing up, we can say that learning the names of the months in any language is an essential step for various reasons. From expanding vocabulary to boosting confidence, it’s a small but effective addition to your studying journey. We hope this article will help you memorize German months, and we’re looking forward to meeting you in the next one!


Are there any regional variations in the pronunciation of the month names in German?

There are, indeed! While most regions use the same names for the months, in some areas, like Swiss Germany, you can hear slight differences in pronunciation. For example, instead of “August”, you will most definitely hear “Auguscht”, and “September” will turn into “Septämber”.

What are the abbreviations of the German month names?

They are quite easy to remember since Germans simply use the first three or four letters of the original name. As a result, we get Jan, Feb, März, Apr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Okt, Nov, and Dec

What months are the best to visit Germany?

Of course, it all depends on your personal preferences. But if you’re simply going to explore the country, we’d say that the best time is between May and September. The days are longer, the weather is warm and comfortable, so you will definitely have enough time to see all the attractions and landmarks.

Are there leap years in Germany?

Yeah! Like in some other countries, every four years there are leap years in Germany too. They are called schaltjahr [ˈʃaltˌjaːɐ̯].
