Adjective Suffixes in English
If you are a non-native English speaker, you may find the numerous adjectives rules in the language quite a challenge. While forming adjectives might be tough, it is a very significant part of the language. The good news is that English has many ways of making adjectives, and if you understand suffixes, you can do it easily. In this reference, we will define what suffixes are, list some of the most common adjective suffixes, and what each one of them means.
What is an Adjective Suffix?
An adjective suffix is a set of letters that is placed at the end of a word to alter its meaning or to make it an adjective. They are a perfect way to expand the description of a certain sentence without using too many words. For example, when you add the suffix ‘able’ to the word ‘comfort,’ you can form the adjective ‘comfortable,’ which means the state of being easy or causing comfort or physical relief.
Adjective suffixes list is quite a tricky tool, and it is crucial to know which suffix can be attached to which word. For instance, the suffix ‘-ful’ can be added to words like ‘care’ and ‘beauty’ to generate their adjectives ‘careful’ and ‘beautiful.’ However, it cannot be used with the word ‘happy’ since there is an existing word ‘happiness’ in the English language, though ‘happyful’ can be used informally.
Adjective Suffixes List
Now that you know what an adjectival suffix is, let’s take a look at some of the most common ones. Here’s a full list of adjective suffixes in English:
- -able.
- -al.
- -ful.
- -ic.
- -ive.
- -less.
- -ous.
- -y.
- -ish.
Common Adjective Suffixes
As you can see, there are plenty of adjective suffixes, and each one can be used to create different words. However, you should also know that each suffix conveys a specific meaning and can change the meaning of the sentence (like “careless” and “careful” – suffixes make these words the complete opposite). That’s why it is important to understand the difference between them to know how to use them properly. Let’s talk about each suffix in more detail.
Suffix -able (-iable)
The word “able” means to have the power, skill, or opportunity to do something. Similarly, this suffix is added to the words to convey that something or someone is able to be done or used. Here are some examples:
- Adaptable → able to adapt.
- Changeable → able to change.
- Dependable → able to be depended on.
- Drinkable → fit to be drunk.
- Enjoyable → able to be enjoyed.
- Lovable → able to be loved.
- Notable → worthy of being noted.
- Reliable → able to be relied upon.
- Tolerable → able to be tolerated.
- Wearable → fit to be worn.
In some cases, you need to slightly change suffixes to create proper words. For example, when the word ends with -ss or -ct, you need to use the suffix -ible instead of -able. For example:
- Accessible → able to be accessed.
- Collapsible → able to be collapsed.
- Edible → able to be eaten.
- Flexible → able to be flexed.
- Invisible → unable to be seen.
Suffix -al (-ial)
When you see this one, it means relating to or pertaining to something. It’s added to nouns to form adjectives that describe a connection or association. For example:
- Annual → relating to a year.
- Critical → relating to criticism.
- Cultural → relating to culture.
- Universal → relating to the universe.
- Musical → relating to music.
- Political → relating to politics.
- Regional → relating to a region.
- Social → relating to a society.
- Spiritual → relating to the spirit.
- Brutal → relating to brutality.
If the word ends with -t or -es, suffix -al should be changed to -ial. In some cases, specifically when using words with a Greek root, it changes to -ical. For example:
- Financial → relating to finance.
- Historical → relating to history.
- Physical → relating to physics.
- Practical → relating to practice.
- Paradoxical → relating to paradox.
Suffix -ful
This one means full of or characterized by a particular quality. When added to a noun, it creates an adjective that indicates an abundance of that quality. You can also use the suffix “-ful” to create adjectives that describe a person or thing.
- Careful → full of care.
- Cheerful → full of cheer.
- Fearful → full of fear.
- Hopeful → full of hope.
- Joyful → full of joy.
- Painful → full of pain.
- Skillful → full of skill.
- Thankful → full of thanks
- Thoughtful → full of thought.
Suffix -ic
The suffix “-ic” means something related to a certain action, process, or thing. It forms adjectives that indicate a relationship or resemblance.
- Automatic → operating without human intervention.
- Basic → forming a foundation.
- Dramatic → relating to drama.
- Fantastic → resembling fantasy.
- Historic → relating to history.
- Panic → provoking or relating to panic.
- Romantic → relating to romance.
- Scientific → relating to science.
- Tragic → relating to tragedy.
Suffix -ive
The suffix “-ive” means that something is characterized by a certain quality or attribute.
- Active → able to act.
- Aggressive → able to engage in forceful action.
- Creative → able to create.
- Decisive → able to decide.
- Expressive → able to express.
- Imaginative → able to imagine.
- Positive → able to produce a positive effect.
- Protective → able to protect.
- Responsive → able to respond.
- Sensitive → able to sense.
Suffix -less
When you see this suffix, it tells you that something doesn’t have a certain quality or trait. Here are some common word examples:
- Careless → without care.
- Fearless → without fear.
- Heartless → without heart.
- Hopeless → without hope.
- Motionless → without motion.
- Peerless → without equal.
- Reckless → without caution.
- Useless → without use.
- Worthless → without worth.
Suffix -ous
This suffix is used when you need to describe something that is full of or has the qualities of something. For example:
- Famous → full of fame.
- Glorious → full of glory.
- Joyous → full of joy.
- Nervous → full of nerves.
- Religious → full of religion.
- Serious → full of seriousness.
- Spontaneous → full of spontaneity.
- Tenacious → full of tenacity.
- Victorious → full of victory.
You can see that, in some cases, -ous can change to -ious. Typically, it happens if the original word ends with a vowel. For example, “glory” turns into “glorious,” victory – into “victorious,” etc.
Suffix -y
When you add this suffix to a noun, you indicate that the noun possesses a certain quality or has characteristics of something. Here are some common examples:
- Airy → having the characteristics of air.
- Brainy → having the qualities of a brain; clever or smart.
- Dirty → having the characteristics of dirt.
- Greedy → having the characteristics of greed.
- Moody → having the characteristics of mood.
- Pretty → having the characteristics of beauty.
- Rocky → having the characteristics of rock.
- Smelly → having the characteristics of a strong smell.
- Tiny → having the characteristics of being small.
- Windy → having the characteristics of wind
Suffix -ish
Similar to the previous one, this suffix indicates that the noun has a quality of something or is somewhat like something else. You can use it to subtly show that the quality isn’t absolute but only present to a degree. For example:
- Childish → like a child.
- Foolish → like a fool.
- Sheepish → like a sheep.
- Bookish → like a book.
- Boyish → like a boy.
- Yellowish → somewhat yellow.
- Selfish → like oneself.
- Feverish → like a fever.
- Brutish → like a brute.
- Squeamish → like someone easily disgusted

Today, we’ve explored the concept of adjective suffixes, with the most common examples and their meanings. With this information, you can understand the topic and learn how to create adjectives using these suffixes and apply them in different contexts.