English Verbs for Kids

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Verbs are some of the most important components of English language learning for kids. This reference will provide an overview of verbs, explain how to teach them, and provide examples and lists of verbs for kids.

How to Teach Verbs to Kids?

Teaching verbs to kids doesn’t have to be a daunting task. There are many ways to make it fun and engaging. Here are some strategies for teaching kids about verbs.

Make It Interactive

Interactive activities are a great way to get kids interested in learning about verbs. For example, you can create an interactive game where kids have to identify the verb in a sentence. This can be done by using pictures, flashcards, or word cards.

Use Visuals

Visuals are a great way to help kids understand the concept of verbs. For example, you can use visuals such as pictures and illustrations to show different verb forms. This will help kids to better comprehend the meaning of the verb.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice is essential when it comes to learning verbs. Encourage your kids to practice writing sentences with verbs and using them in conversation. This will help them to become more familiar with the verbs and gain a better understanding of how to use them.

Use Real-Life Examples

Using real-life examples is one of the best ways to help kids learn about verbs. For example, you can use examples from everyday life such as talking to a friend, eating dinner, or going to the park. This will help them to better understand the concept of verbs and how to use them in context.

Make It Fun

It’s important to make learning about verbs enjoyable for kids. You can do this by incorporating games and activities into the lesson. For example, you can create a game where kids have to identify the verb in a sentence or come up with their own sentences using verbs. This will help them to stay engaged and have fun while learning.

Verbs Definition for Kids

Verbs are action words. They are used to describe an action, state, or occurrence. For example, when someone says, “I am running”, the word “running” is a verb. Verbs are essential for constructing sentences and communicating effectively.

In English, verbs are divided into two categories: regular verbs and irregular verbs. Regular verbs follow a set pattern. For example, the verb “run” would be conjugated as “run-ran-run”. Irregular verbs do not follow an easy pattern and must be memorized. For example, the verb “go” would be conjugated as “go-went-gone”.

It’s important to note that verbs can also be used as adjectives, nouns, and adverbs. For example, the verb “run” can be used as an adjective (“a running child”), noun (“a run”), and adverb (“he ran quickly”).

Different Types of Verbs

Three types of verbs in English are: action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs.

Action Verbs

Action verbs describe an action. For example, “run”, “jump”, and “swim” are all action verbs. Action verbs can be either regular or irregular.

Linking Verbs

Linking verbs describe a state or condition. For example, “be”, “become”, and “seem” are all linking verbs. Linking verbs are always regular.

Helping Verbs

Helping verbs are used to form tenses and to express modality. For example, “can”, “could”, and “would” are all helping verbs. Helping verbs are always regular.


Examples of Verbs for Kids

Here are some examples of verbs for kids:

  • Run
  • Jump
  • Swim
  • Eat
  • Drink
  • Sleep
  • Play
  • Walk
  • Talk
  • Read
  • Write

Irregular Verbs for Kids

Irregular verbs are verbs that don’t follow the regular conjugation pattern. Here is a list of irregular verbs for kids:

  • Be – Was/Were
  • Have – Had
  • Do – Did
  • Say – Said
  • Go – Went
  • See – Saw
  • Know – Knew
  • Come – Came
  • Think – Thought
  • Take – Took
  • Give – Gave
  • Find – Found
  • Tell – Told
  • Become – Became
  • Show – Showed
  • Leave – Left
  • Feel – Felt

Phrasal Verbs for Kids

Phrasal verbs are verbs that are made up of a verb and one or more other words, such as prepositions or adverbs. Here is a list of phrasal verbs for kids:

  • Wake up
  • Look up
  • Get up
  • Turn on
  • Turn off
  • Put away
  • Put up
  • Take off
  • Come out
  • Blow up
  • Break down
  • Walk away
  • Pass by
  • Put down
  • Back up
  • Fill up
  • Bring up
  • Show up
  • Take out
  • Look out
  • Move on
  • Run away
  • Pick up

List of Verbs for Kids

Here is a much larger list of verbs for kids of different ages:

  • Accept
  • Add
  • Admire
  • Agree
  • Amaze
  • Animate
  • Appear
  • Arrive
  • Ask
  • Attract
  • Banish
  • Bathe
  • Be
  • Become
  • Begin
  • Believe
  • Blow
  • Break
  • Bring
  • Build
  • Burn
  • Buy
  • Call
  • Carry
  • Catch
  • Change
  • Cheer
  • Choose
  • Clean
  • Cling
  • Close
  • Collect
  • Comfort
  • Compare
  • Compete
  • Complain
  • Complete
  • Connect
  • Consider
  • Consume
  • Contain
  • Continue
  • Copy
  • Correct
  • Count
  • Cover
  • Create
  • Creep
  • Cry
  • Cut
  • Dance
  • Deal
  • Decide
  • Deny
  • Depend
  • Describe
  • Deserve
  • Destroy
  • Detect
  • Develop
  • Disappear
  • Discover
  • Dislike
  • Divide
  • Do
  • Draw
  • Dream
  • Drink
  • Drive
  • Drop
  • Eat
  • Educate
  • Encourage
  • End
  • Enjoy
  • Enter
  • Escape
  • Evolve
  • Examine
  • Exist
  • Expand
  • Expect
  • Explain
  • Explore
  • Express
  • Extend
  • Face
  • Fail
  • Fall
  • Feed
  • Feel
  • Fight
  • Fill
  • Find
  • Finish
  • Fit
  • Fly
  • Follow
  • Force
  • Form
  • Forget
  • Freeze
  • Gain
  • Gather
  • Get
  • Give
  • Go
  • Grow
  • Hang
  • Happen
  • Have
  • Hear
  • Help
  • Hide
  • Hit
  • Hold
  • Hope
  • Hug
  • Identify
  • Ignite
  • Impress
  • Improve
  • Include
  • Increase
  • Inform
  • Inspire
  • Instruct
  • Insult
  • Introduce
  • Invite
  • Join
  • Jump
  • Kick
  • Knock
  • Laugh
  • Lead
  • Learn
  • Leave
  • Lie
  • Lift
  • Listen
  • Live
  • Look
  • Lose
  • Love
  • Maintain
  • Make
  • Match
  • Matter
  • Measure
  • Mention
  • Miss
  • Move
  • Need
  • Notice
  • Occur
  • Offer
  • Open
  • Order
  • Organize
  • Overcome
  • Owe
  • Own
  • Paint
  • Participate
  • Pass
  • Pay
  • Perform
  • Persuade
  • Pick
  • Place
  • Plan
  • Play
  • Point
  • Practice
  • Prepare
  • Press
  • Pretend
  • Prevent
  • Protect
  • Provide
  • Pull
  • Push
  • Put
  • Raise
  • Reach
  • Receive
  • Recognize
  • Record
  • Reduce
  • Reflect
  • Refuse
  • Regret
  • Reject
  • Relax
  • Release
  • Remain
  • Remember
  • Remind
  • Remove
  • Repair
  • Repeat
  • Replace
  • Reply
  • Report
  • Request
  • Rescue
  • Respond
  • Retain
  • Return
  • Reward
  • Rub
  • Rule
  • Rush
  • Satisfy
  • Save
  • Say
  • See
  • Seek
  • Select
  • Sell
  • Send
  • Separate
  • Serve
  • Set
  • Shake
  • Share
  • Shine
  • Show
  • Shrink
  • Shut
  • Sing
  • Sink
  • Sit
  • Sleep
  • Slide
  • Smile
  • Sort
  • Sound
  • Speak
  • Spend
  • Spin
  • Split
  • Spread
  • Stand
  • Start
  • Stay
  • Steal
  • Stick
  • Sting
  • Stink
  • Study
  • Succeed
  • Suggest
  • Support
  • Surprise
  • Swallow
  • Swim
  • Swing
  • Take
  • Talk
  • Taste
  • Teach
  • Tear
  • Tell
  • Think
  • Throw
  • Touch
  • Train
  • Travel
  • Try
  • Turn
  • Understand
  • Use
  • Vary
  • Visit
  • Wait
  • Walk
  • Want
  • Warm
  • Warn
  • Wash
  • Waste
  • Watch
  • Wave
  • Wear
  • Win
  • Wipe
  • Wish
  • Work
  • Worry
  • Yell
  • Zip

English Verbs for Kids 

Verbs are essential for constructing sentences and communicating effectively. Teaching verbs to kids doesn’t have to be difficult. There are a variety of strategies for making it fun and interactive. This reference provides an overview of verbs and a few ways to make them more appealing to kids. Good luck on your learning journey!

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200 Irregular Verbs ListWould vs will in the English languagePhrasal VerbsVerbs ending in -ingModal Verbs in EnglishFinite and nonfinite verbs in English


Minu Saha Jun 11th, 2024
Very good effect it
Tanner CollinsJan 11th, 2024
As a parent, I appreciate finding resources that make learning enjoyable for my child. Your article on English verbs is exactly what I was looking for – informative, colorful, and fun! Well done!