Sea Animals Quiz
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Which of the following is NOT a type of sea animal?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Where do unique deep sea animals like the anglerfish and giant squid reside?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which shark is known for its distinctive hammer-like head shape?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which fish is known for its bioluminescent, lure-like dorsal spine extension?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which octopus can mimic other sea animals to deter predators?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which whale is the largest animal ever known to have existed?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which bird is flightless and adapted to life in the water?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which crustacean is known for its ability to climb trees and crack coconuts?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which part of a fish helps it maintain buoyancy?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which of the following is a hard, sharp structure found in the mouths of cephalopods and birds like penguins?Selecciona la respuesta correcta: