What is synonyms for love

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An intense feeling of deep affection, attachment, or care towards someone or something.

Synonyms of love


As in affection

Strongest matches:

- adoration

- affection

- devotion

- fondness

Weak matches:

- care

- attachment

- liking


As in passion

Strongest matches:

- infatuation

- desire

- lust

Weak matches:

- enthusiasm

- zeal

- ardor


As a person who is loved

Strongest matches:

- my love

Weak matches:

- darling

- dear

- honey

- sweetheart

- beloved

- dearest

- baby


As in cherish

Strongest matches:

- adore

- treasure

- worship

Weak matches:

- appreciate

- care for

- hold dear


As in desire

Strongest matches:

- covet

- crave

- yearn for

Weak matches:

- want

- wish for

- long for


hate, loathe, despise, detest, abhor, disdain, scorn

Usage examples:

1. I will always love you, no matter the challenges we face together.

2. The love between the two high school sweethearts only grew stronger with time.

3. The bond I share with my siblings is filled with love and mutual respect.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more casual synonym for 'love'?

A more casual synonym for 'love' that fits well in everyday conversation is 'like.' Another casual term is 'adore,' which is slightly more intense than 'like' but less committed than 'love.'

Is there a synonym for 'love' that specifically refers to romantic feelings?

Yes, 'adore' and 'cherish' are synonyms that often refer to romantic feelings. 'Adore' implies a deep love and respect, while 'cherish' conveys a sense of holding someone dear with a deep appreciation and care, commonly used in romantic contexts.

What synonym can I use to describe a platonic love or affection?

'Fondness' is an excellent synonym for describing platonic love or affection. It captures the essence of liking someone or something very much in a non-romantic context. Another good term is 'affection,' which signifies a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.

Is there a synonym for 'love' that emphasizes a deep, intense emotion?

'Passion' is a powerful synonym for 'love' that emphasizes a deep, intense, and often romantic emotion. It conveys a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for someone or something. Another term with a similar intensity is 'devotion,' which highlights an ardent dedication or commitment to someone or something.