What is synonyms for animal lover

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animal lover

/ˈænɪməl ˈlʌvər/

A person who has a strong affection and compassion towards animals.

Synonyms of animal lover


Strongest matches:

- zoophilist

- animal enthusiast

- animal aficionado

- pet lover

Weak matches:

- animal friend

- fauna lover

- creature carer

- wildlife enthusiast


animal hater, animal abuser, animal disliker, animal antagonist

Usage examples:

1. As an animal lover, she volunteers at the local shelter every weekend.

2. Being an animal lover, he has three dogs and two cats as pets.

3. Being an animal lover, he enjoys spending time outdoors observing wildlife.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term for 'animal lover' that emphasizes compassion?

A term that emphasizes compassion towards animals and can be used interchangeably with 'animal lover' is 'animal advocate.' This term not only suggests a love for animals but also a dedication to promoting their welfare and rights.

Is there a professional or scientific term that describes someone who studies and loves animals?

Yes, the term 'zoologist' refers to a scientist who studies animals and their behaviors, habitats, and physiology. While it primarily denotes a scientific profession, it can imply a profound interest and love for animals, given the nature of the work.

Can 'pet enthusiast' be considered a synonym for 'animal lover'?

'Pet enthusiast' can indeed be considered a synonym for 'animal lover,' though it's slightly more specific. It usually refers to someone who is particularly passionate about domestic pets, such as dogs, cats, birds, etc., rather than animals in general, including wildlife.

Is there a term that specifically describes someone who loves and protects wild animals?

A term that specifically connotes a love and protective stance towards wild animals is 'wildlife conservationist.' This term highlights an individual's commitment to the conservation and protection of wild animals and their natural habitats.