What is synonyms for enlightenment

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/wɪtʃ ɪz/

Used to introduce a clause that provides more information about a previously mentioned subject.

Synonyms of enlightenment


Strongest matches:

- that is

- this is

Weak matches:

- what's

- that's

- this's

- who is


which is not, which isn't, which does not, which doesn't, which excludes

Usage examples:

1. The museum unveiled a new exhibit on ancient Egypt, which is expected to attract history enthusiasts from around the world.

2. She handed me a box of chocolates, which is my favorite treat, for my birthday.

3. The team developed a groundbreaking software, which is designed to simplify complex data analysis, revolutionizing the way researchers interpret information.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a synonym for 'which is' that can be used in formal writing?

'That is' is a suitable synonym for 'which is' in formal writing contexts. It serves a similar function in defining or clarifying a subject.

Can I use 'namely' as a substitute for 'which is'?

Yes, 'namely' can be used as a synonym for 'which is' when you want to specify or elaborate on something mentioned previously. It is particularly useful in lists or when providing examples.

Is there a more concise synonym for 'which is' that can be used in academic writing?

The abbreviation 'i.e.,' which stands for the Latin phrase 'id est,' meaning 'that is,' is a concise alternative often used in academic writing to clarify or specify information.

What synonym for 'which is' can be used to introduce an explanation in a conversational tone?

'Meaning' is a more casual and conversational synonym for 'which is' that can be used to introduce an explanation or clarification.