What is synonyms for power of sight

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power of sight

/ˈpaʊər əv saɪt/

The ability to see.

Synonyms of power of sight


As in vision

Strongest matches:

- eyesight

- sight

- visual perception

Weak matches:

- view

- seeing

- gaze


As in ability to see

Strongest matches:

- sightedness

- visibility

Weak matches:

- observation

- perspective


blindness, sightlessness

Usage examples:

1. The power of sight allows us to appreciate the beauty of a sunset.

2. After undergoing surgery, her power of sight was restored.

3. The detective relied heavily on the power of sight, noting the smallest details at the crime scene that others might overlook.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'power of sight'?

A common synonym for 'power of sight' is 'vision.'

Is there a more scientific term for 'power of sight'?

Yes, a more scientific term for 'power of sight' is 'visual acuity.'

Can 'eyesight' be used interchangeably with 'power of sight'?

Absolutely, 'eyesight' is often used interchangeably with 'power of sight.'

Is there a term that emphasizes the ability to see in the dark related to 'power of sight'?

While not a direct synonym, 'night vision' is related and emphasizes the ability to see in low-light conditions.