What is synonyms for teamwork

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The cooperative effort of a group of people working together to achieve a common goal.

Synonyms of teamwork


Strongest matches:

- collaboration

- cooperation

- partnership

- synergy

Weak matches:

- alliance

- coordination

- team spirit

- unity


solo work, individualism, independence, isolation, rivalry, competition

Usage examples:

1. The success of the project was a direct result of effective teamwork.

2. In sports, teamwork is often the deciding factor between winning and losing.

3. The teacher emphasized the importance of teamwork in the classroom.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another word that can be used in place of 'teamwork' when discussing a group project?

A suitable synonym for 'teamwork' in the context of a group project is 'collaboration.' This term emphasizes the act of working jointly with others to achieve a common goal.

Is there a term that specifically highlights the unity aspect of teamwork in a sports setting?

Yes, 'camaraderie' is often used to highlight the bond and spirit of unity among team members in a sports setting. It encompasses the trust, friendship, and mutual respect that are integral to effective teamwork in sports.

What synonym for 'teamwork' is best used in a corporate or business environment to imply a professional joint effort?

'Synergy' is a term frequently used in corporate or business environments. It implies that the combined effort of a team results in a greater outcome than the sum of individual efforts.

When discussing the efficiency of a team in problem-solving, is there a more precise term than 'teamwork'?

'Collaborative problem-solving' is a more precise term that can be used when discussing the efficiency of a team specifically in the context of solving problems. It highlights the process of working together to find solutions.