What is synonyms for that is why

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that is why

/ˈðæt ɪz waɪ/

A phrase used to explain the reason or cause of something.

Synonyms of that is why


Strongest matches:

- consequently

- therefore

- thus

Weak matches:

- hence

- accordingly

- subsequently


Strongest matches:

- because

- due to

- as a result

Weak matches:

- given that

- seeing that

- on account of


Strongest matches:

- for that reason

- for this reason

Weak matches:

- in light of this

- on this account


nevertheless, nonetheless, however, despite that, in spite of that, on the contrary, yet, but

Usage examples:

1. He missed the bus this morning, and that is why he was late to the meeting.

2. The weather forecast predicted heavy rain, and that is why we decided to postpone the picnic.

3. She has been practicing every day, and that is why she performed so well in the concert.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'that is why'?

Some common synonyms for 'that is why' include 'therefore,' 'consequently,' 'as a result,' and 'hence.' These terms can often be used interchangeably in sentences to explain the reason behind a statement or action.

Can 'thus' be used as a synonym for 'that is why'?

Yes, 'thus' can be used as a synonym for 'that is why.' It serves as a formal or literary alternative, effectively linking cause and effect or reasoning in a statement.

Is there a difference in usage between 'for this reason' and 'that is why'?

The phrases 'for this reason' and 'that is why' are very similar in meaning and can often be used interchangeably. However, 'for this reason' might be preferred in more formal or structured writing, as it explicitly states that what follows is a reason for what was previously mentioned. 'That is why' is slightly more conversational but serves the same purpose.

Are there any nuances in choosing between 'due to this' and 'that is why' in a sentence?

'Due to this' often precedes a noun or noun phrase and is used to attribute something directly as a cause, while 'that is why' is typically followed by a full clause and is used to introduce an explanation or rationale. The choice between them can depend on the structure of the sentence and the writer's preference for emphasis on causality or explanation.