What is another word for empathy

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The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Antonyms of empathy


Strongest matches:

- apathy

- indifference

- insensitivity

- unfeelingness

- coldness

Weak matches:

- disdain

- callousness

- selfishness

- hardheartedness


Strongest matches:

- unempathetic

- cold

- indifferent

Weak matches:

- apathetic

- insensitive

- hardhearted


understanding, compassion, sympathy, sensitivity, warmth, tenderness, kindness, care, concern, solicitude

Usage examples:

1. When you show empathy, you understand and feel another person's emotions as if they were your own.

2. The teacher's empathy towards her students made her classroom a warm and inviting place for learning.

3. Developing empathy is crucial for building strong and compassionate relationships with others.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for empathy?

A common antonym for empathy is 'apathy.' While empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others, apathy describes a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for those feelings.

Can 'indifference' be considered an antonym of empathy, and if so, how do they differ?

Yes, 'indifference' can be considered an antonym of empathy. Empathy involves actively engaging with and understanding someone else's emotional experience. In contrast, indifference means having no particular interest or sympathy; it's a passive disconnection from the emotions of others.

Is 'coldness' an appropriate antonym for empathy? How does it apply?

'Coldness' can indeed serve as an antonym for empathy, but it often conveys a slightly different shade of meaning. Whereas empathy suggests warmth, understanding, and emotional connection, coldness implies a deliberate or inherent lack of these qualities, often suggesting a more intentional disregard for another's feelings.

How does 'detachment' function as an antonym of empathy, and in what context might it be used?

'Detachment' functions as an antonym of empathy by describing a state or condition of being emotionally uninvolved or separated from others' experiences. It can be used in contexts where someone maintains an objective or neutral stance, devoid of emotional engagement, which contrasts with the deep, personal understanding characteristic of empathy.