200 Irregular Verbs List
The table below has more than 200 verbs and their irregular forms in English. This is one of the topics you should take time to study, especially if you're just starting to learn the language. This list of v1 v2 v3 forms of 200 words was created according to Merriam-Webster and Longman Learner's Dictionary of American English.
Infinitive | Past Simple | Past Participle |
A | ||
abide | abode | abode |
arise | arose | arisen |
awake | awoke | awoken |
B | ||
be | was/were | been |
bear | bore | borne/born |
beat | beat | beaten |
become | became | become |
befall | befell | befallen |
beget | begat/begot | begotten |
begin | began | begun |
behold | beheld | beheld |
bend | bent | bent |
bereave | bereft | bereft |
beseech | besought | besought |
beset | beset | beset |
bespeak | bespoke | bespoken |
bestride | bestrode | bestridden |
bet | bet | bet |
bid | bid/bade | bid/bidden |
bind | bound | bound |
bite | bit | bitten |
bleed | bled | bled |
blow | blew | blown |
break | broke | broken |
breed | bred | bred |
bring | brought | brought |
broadcast | broadcast | broadcast |
build | built | built |
burn | burned | burned |
burst | burst | burst |
buy | bought | bought |
C | ||
cast | cast | cast |
catch | caught | caught |
chide | chid | chid/chidden |
choose | chose | chosen |
cling | clung | clung |
clothe | clad/clothed | clad/clothed |
come | came | come |
cost | cost | cost |
creep | crept | crept |
cut | cut | cut |
D | ||
deal | dealt | dealt |
dig | dug | dug |
dive | dived | dived |
do | did | done |
draw | drew | drawn |
dream | dreamed | dreamed |
drink | drank | drunk |
drive | drove | driven |
dwell | dwelled | dwelled |
E | ||
eat | ate | eaten |
F | ||
fall | fell | fallen |
feed | fed | fed |
feel | felt | felt |
fight | fought | fought |
find | found | found |
flee | fled | fled |
fling | flung | flung |
fly | flew | flown |
forbid | forbade | forbidden |
forecast | forecast | forecast |
foresee | foresaw | foreseen |
foretell | foretold | foretold |
forget | forgot | forgotten |
forgive | forgave | forgiven |
forsake | forsook | forsaken |
freeze | froze | frozen |
G | ||
get | got | got |
give | gave | given |
go | went | gone |
grind | ground | ground |
grow | grew | grown |
H | ||
hang | hung | hung |
have | had | had |
hear | heard | heard |
hide | hid | hidden |
hit | hit | hit |
hold | held | held |
hurt | hurt | hurt |
I | ||
interweave | interwove | interwoven |
K | ||
keep | kept | kept |
kneel | knelled | kneeled |
know | knew | known |
L | ||
lay | laid | laid |
lead | led | led |
lean | leaned | leaned |
leap | leaped | leaped |
learn | learned | learned |
leave | left | left |
lend | lent | lent |
let | let | let |
lie (in bed) | lay | lain |
lie (to not tell the truth) | lied | lied |
light | lighted/lit | lighted/lit |
lose | lost | lost |
M | ||
make | made | made |
mean | meant | meant |
meet | met | met |
mistake | mistook | mistaken |
mow | mowed | mowed |
O | ||
offset | offset | offset |
overcome | overcame | overcome |
overhear | overheard | overheard |
oversleep | overslept | overslept |
overtake | overtook | overtaken |
P | ||
partake | partook | partaken |
pay | paid | paid |
plead | pleaded | pleaded |
preset | preset | preset |
prove | proved | proved |
put | put | put |
Q | ||
quit | quit | quit |
R | ||
read | read | read |
relay | relaid | relaid |
rend | rended | rent/rended |
rid | rid | rid |
ride | rode | ridden |
ring | rang | rung |
rise | rose | risen |
run | ran | run |
S | ||
saw | sawed | sawed |
say | said | said |
see | saw | seen |
seek | sought | sought |
sell | sold | sold |
send | sent | sent |
set | set | set |
sew | sewed | sewed |
shake | shook | shaken |
shed | shed | shed |
shine | shone | shone |
shit | shit/shat | shit/shat |
shoe | shod | shod |
shoot | shot | shot |
show | showed | shown |
shrink | shrank | shrunk |
shrive | shrove | shriven |
shut | shut | shut |
sing | sang | sung |
sink | sank | sunk |
sit | sat | sat |
slay | slew | slain |
sleep | slept | slept |
slide | slid | slid |
sling | slung | slung |
slink | slunk | slunk |
slit | slit | slit |
smell | smelled | smelled |
smite | smote | smitten |
sow | sowed | sowed |
speak | spoke | spoken |
speed | sped | sped |
spell | spelled | spelled |
spend | spent | spent |
spill | spilled | spilled |
spin | spun | spun |
spit | spat | spat |
split | split | split |
spoil | spoiled | spoiled |
spread | spread | spread |
spring | sprang | sprung |
stand | stood | stood |
steal | stole | stolen |
stick | stuck | stuck |
sting | stung | stung |
stink | stank | stunk |
strew | strewed | strewn |
stride | strode | stridden |
strike | struck | struck |
string | strung | strung |
strive | strove | striven |
swear | swore | sworn |
sweat | sweat/sweated | sweat/sweated |
sweep | swept | swept |
swell | swelled | swelled |
swim | swam | swum |
swing | swung | swung |
T | ||
take | took | taken |
teach | taught | taught |
tear | tore | torn |
tell | told | told |
think | thought | thought |
thrive | throve/thrived | thriven/thrived |
throw | threw | thrown |
thrust | thrust | thrust |
tread | trod | trodden |
typeset | typeset | typeset |
U | ||
undergo | underwent | undergone |
understand | understood | understood |
undertake | undertook | undertaken |
undo | undid | undone |
upset | upset | upset |
W | ||
wake | woke | woken |
wear | wore | worn |
weave | wove | woven |
weep | wept | wept |
wet | wetted | wetted |
win | won | won |
wind | wound | wound |
withdraw | withdrew | withdrawn |
withstand | withstood | withstood |
wring | wrung | wrung |
write | wrote | written |
What is an Irregular Verb?
Now, you're familiar with 200 verb forms. But what is an irregular verb in general? It is a verb that changes form in different ways depending on the tense. Regular verbs follow a simple pattern. Unlike the 200 verb list with three forms you've seen above, they're created by changing the ending slightly – typically, by adding "-d," "-ed," or "-ied" to the word. Here are some common examples:
- escape → escaped;
- enjoy → enjoyed;
- try → tried.
Unlike these examples, 200 verb forms v1 v2 v3 don't follow this rule. They change their forms in passive voice and past and perfect tenses. That is why you can't just memorize one rule and follow it. Instead, you have to learn each word and its forms from the 200 irregular verbs list separately. Although it might look challenging at first glance, some tips can help you do it more easily.
How to Read the List of Irregular Verbs in English?
When looking at the 200 verbs v1 v2 v3 forms list for the first time, it might seem challenging. But we're going to help you with a quick guide. As you can see, the table consists of three columns. In the first one, you can see the base form of the verb. It is used to express action or describe the state of something in present simple tenses; typically, it doesn't change its form.
The second and third columns of the 200 verb list contain irregular past tense verbs. In the second one, you can see v2 forms that are typically used in past tenses. Here are some common examples using the words from the irregular verb 200 forms list.
- I went to the stadium yesterday.
- He always drove carefully.
- She knew a lot from the list of English irregular verbs.
The 200 forms of verb in the 3rd column show words you have to use for sentences with perfect tenses and passive voice. Take a look at these examples to understand them better.
- The novel has been written by a celebrated author.
- The window was broken by a stray ball during the game.
- They have seen the latest exhibit at the art gallery.
How to Learn Irregular Verbs?
Learning 200 verbs in English all at once can be quite a challenge. However, you can significantly simplify this task with a few simple tips. Here are some common approaches to help you memorize this list of verbs in English quickly.
Learn by groups
As you can see, most of the 200 verb form examples are unique. However, even there, you may notice some similar patterns. That is why grouping them can simplify the learning process. Here are some examples:
All three forms are similar.
- cut – cut – cut;
- put – put – put;
- quit – quit – quit.
The second and third forms are similar.
- bind – bound – bound;
- find – found – found;
- build – built – built.
The first and the third forms are similar.
- come – came – come;
- become – became – become;
- run – ran – run.
Alternation of i – a – u.
- stink – stank – stunk;
- spring – sprang – sprung.
Learn by flashcards
A great way to learn English 200 three forms of a verb is to use flashcards. For example, you can write the base form on one side and 2nd + 3rd on the other side of the flashcard. You can bring such cards anywhere and learn verb words at any time.
Practice regularly
As we always say, practice makes perfect. That is why the secret to remembering the verb forms of 200 words is very simple. All you have to do is just practice using different approaches, including flashcards, exercises, and repeating the material daily. And if you need some help with this tricky topic, download the Promova app or sign up on the website to get your plan and learn effectively.