What is another word for generous

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Willing to give more of something, such as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.

Antonyms of generous


Strongest matches:

- stingy

- miserly

- selfish

- tightfisted

- ungenerous

Weak matches:

- frugal

- sparing

- thrifty

- parsimonious

- economical


benevolent, magnanimous, charitable, liberal, lavish, open-handed, munificent, kind-hearted, altruistic, unselfish, free-handed, bounteous, bountiful, beneficent

Usage examples:

1. The generous donor offered to cover all expenses for the community center's renovation.

2. Maria was known for her generous spirit, always sharing what little she had with those in need.

3. The recipe called for a generous pinch of salt, which would enhance the flavors of the dish.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'generous'?

A common antonym for 'generous' is 'stingy.' While 'generous' describes someone willing to give more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected, 'stingy' refers to someone who is unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous.

Can 'selfish' be considered an antonym of 'generous'?

Yes, 'selfish' can be considered an antonym of 'generous.' While a generous person enjoys giving time, money, or resources to help others, a selfish person prioritizes their own needs and desires over those of others, often at the expense of others' wellbeing.

Is there a formal antonym of 'generous' that can be used in professional or academic writing?

'Frugal' can serve as a formal antonym of 'generous' in certain contexts, especially in professional or academic writing. It implies careful management of one's resources, including money, to avoid waste. However, it's important to note that 'frugal' doesn't always carry a negative connotation like some other antonyms of 'generous'; it can imply wise or economical management rather than stinginess.

What is a less common antonym for 'generous' that still accurately conveys the opposite meaning?

'Miserly' is a less common but accurate antonym for 'generous.' It describes someone who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible. Unlike 'frugal,' which can have positive connotations, 'miserly' almost always implies a negative judgment, suggesting an excessive reluctance to spend money that parallels the excessive willingness to give or spend seen in generosity.