What is synonyms for delicious

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Highly pleasing or agreeable to the sense of taste.

Synonyms of delicious


As in food that is very pleasant to taste

Strongest matches:

- scrumptious

- delectable

- mouthwatering

- tasty

- flavorful

- succulent

- luscious

Weak matches:

- appetizing

- palatable

- savory

- yummy

- toothsome

- inviting


As in pleasant scent or experience

Strongest matches:

- delightful

- exquisite

Weak matches:

- pleasant

- enjoyable

- satisfying


tasteless, bland, unpalatable, insipid, flavorless

Usage examples:

1. The aroma of the freshly baked pie filled the kitchen, promising a delicious dessert that would delight everyone's taste buds.

2. After weeks of experimenting with different spices, she finally perfected the curry recipe, making it the most delicious version anyone in her family had ever tasted.

3. The restaurant's reputation for serving delicious, locally sourced meals made it a favorite among both tourists and locals, ensuring it was always bustling with satisfied customers.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'delicious' that can be used in everyday conversation?

Common synonyms for 'delicious' include 'tasty,' 'flavorful,' 'yummy,' 'scrumptious,' and 'delectable.' These words are widely understood and can easily be used in daily discussions about food.

Are there any formal synonyms for 'delicious' suitable for written or professional contexts?

Yes, synonyms like 'gustatory delight,' 'culinary delight,' 'palatable,' 'savory,' and 'exquisite' are more formal and can be suitable for professional or written contexts, especially in food reviews or culinary articles.

Can 'delicious' and its synonyms be used to describe things other than food?

Absolutely. While 'delicious' and its synonyms are primarily used to describe food, they can also metaphorically describe anything that brings joy, satisfaction, or pleasure. For example, 'a delicious piece of gossip' or 'a delectable moment of victory.'

How do I choose the right synonym for 'delicious' to fit my sentence?

The choice depends on the context and the level of enthusiasm you wish to convey. 'Yummy' and 'tasty' are casual and widely used, while 'scrumptious' and 'delectable' might convey a higher level of delight or sophistication. Consider your audience and the context to choose the most appropriate synonym.