Essential Vocabulary: French Body Parts

Elly Kim8 min
Created: Jan 17, 2024Last updated: Oct 10, 2024

Every French learner aims to freely communicate with native speakers and discuss any topic without difficulties. Of course, students should always start with the basics, including the alphabet, time, greetings, introduction, grammar fundamentals, and so on. Mastering body parts in French is also essential, as you never know when this topic comes in handy. 

For many, France is about romance, tasty food, and luxury clothing brands. It might be challenging to discuss all these without knowing at least some basic terminology. For example, complimenting the person you like includes some body parts. How would you say “you have beautiful eyes” if you don’t know the term “eyes” in French? 

“Body” is translated as “corps,” and it’s the first word you should master when exploring today’s topic. Therefore, “le partie du corps” means “part of the body.” Let’s discover more wordings that will be useful for everyone mastering this language and see some usage examples to implement them into your speech.

The Face in French: Detailed Vocabulary

The face is the first body part you pay attention to when meeting a new person. A girl with beautiful eyes and plump lips will undeniably cause the desire to tell her something pleasant. Therefore, it’s time to explore all the terminology concerning face in French: 

  • visage [vizˈaʒ] – face;
  • oeil [ˈœj] – eye;
  • yeux [jˈø] – eyes;
  • front [fʁˈɔ̃] – forehead;
  • joue [ʒˈu] – cheek;
  • oreille [oʁˈɛj] – ear;
  • nez [nˈe] – nose;
  • cil [sˈil] – eyelash;
  • sourcil [suʁsˈil] – eyebrow;
  • lèvres [lˈɛvʁ] – lips;
  • bouche [bˈuʃ] – mouth;
  • langue [lˈɑ̃ɡ] – tongue;
  • cheveux [ʃəvˈø] – hair;
  • dent [dˈɑ̃] – tooth;
  • menton [mɑ̃tˈɔ̃] – chin;
  • peau [pˈo] – skin.

The above vocabulary list is not huge, so take time to memorize all the words and think of how to implement them in your speech. You never know when this knowledge will become beneficial. 

Upper Body Parts in French: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning parts of the body in French is essential, not only for those desiring to reach a particular level of fluency. Travelers planning their trip to the country should also ensure they have some basic language knowledge. Of course, people rarely think of bad things when planning their perfect vacation, but everything can happen. Suppose you have stomachaches when walking around the Louvre; how will you explain the problem in the nearby pharmacy? Therefore, memorize the below words to prepare for any occasion: 

  • tête [tˈɛt] – head;
  • dos [dˈɒs] – back;
  • cou [kˈu] – neck;
  • poitrine [pwatʁˈin] – chest;
  • épaule(s) [epˈol(ˈɛs)] – shoulder(s);
  • ventre [vˈɑ̃tʁ] – belly;
  • bras [bʁˈa] – arm(s);
  • coude [kˈud] – elbow;
  • doigt [dˈɔ͡ɪt] – finger;
  • nombril [nɔ̃bʁˈil] – belly button.

Learn the above terms and practice their usage by forming some simple expressions and sentences. Now, you can describe the upper body parts in French, and it’s time to move further and discover many more essential words.

Lower Body Parts: French Vocabulary

Learning French requires a detailed plan; students should develop one and follow it, mastering the language topic by topic. The list of body parts won’t be full without the below terms, so let’s replenish your vocabulary with some more new words: 

  • hanche(s) [ˈɑ̃ʃ(ˈɛs)] – hip(s);
  • cuisse [kyˈis] – thigh;
  • fesses [fˈɛs] – buttocks;
  • tibia [tibjˈa] – shin;
  • pied [pjˈe] – foot;
  • jambe [ʒˈɑ̃b] – leg;
  • genou [ʒənˈu] – knee;
  • orteil(s) [ɔʁtˈɛj(ˈɛs)] – toe(s);
  • cheville [ʃəvˈil] – ankle.

So, these are the most important words to describe lower French parts of the body. Memorize terms, their translation, and correct pronunciation to understand locals better and express your thoughts. These wordings are among the basic topics every language learner should know. Moreover, mastering how to form phrases and sentences is also critical so you will find some examples in the following paragraph.

Practical Usage: Talking About the Body in French

Practice is the key to language learning, so it should be a priority for every student. Simply memorizing a new word is insufficient, as you must know how to add it to your vocabulary and form expressions. Take a look at some examples that will help you navigate the topic better:

  1. Il a un menton fort [ˈil ˈa ˈœ̃ mɑ̃tˈɔ̃ fˈɔʁ] – He has a strong chin.
  2. J'ai mal à la tête, j'ai besoin de pilules [ʒˈi'ˈe mˈal ˌaaksɑ̃ɡʁˈav lˈa- tˈɛt, ʒˈi'ˈe bəzwˈɛ̃ dˈə- pilˈyl] – My head aches, I need some pills.
  3. J'aime tes beaux yeux verts [ʒˈi'ˈɛm tˈe- bˈo jˈø vˈɛʁ] – I love your beautiful green eyes.
  4. Mon ventre est plein, je ne peux plus manger [mˈɔ̃ vˈɑ̃tʁ ˈɛ plˈɛ̃, ʒˈə- nˈə- pˈø plˈy mɑ̃ʒˈe] – My belly is full, I can't eat anymore.
  5. Vous avez la peau pâle, utilisez de la crème solaire [vˈu avˈe lˈa- pˈo pˈaːl, ytilizˈe dˈə- lˈa- kʁˈɛm solˈɛʁ] – You have pale skin, use the sunscreen.

These are only some examples that can help you understand how to correctly use parts of the body French. Consider the noun’s gender and pay special attention to this point, as the language can confuse many learners. Practice as much as possible to develop your speaking and writing skills; luckily, there are so many ways to do it.


Common Phrases and Sentences Involving Body Parts

French people often use idioms that have been around for centuries. These little sayings hold the wisdom of previous generations and don’t always have a direct meaning. You can find idioms on any topic and some concerned parts of body in French:

  1. Ne pas avoir la langue dans sa poche [nˈə- pˈa avwˈaʁ lˈa- lˈɑ̃ɡ dˈɑ̃ sˈa- pˈɔʃ] – Not having one’s tongue in one’s pocket (a person always has what to say).
  2. Se creuser la tête [sˈə- kʁøzˈe lˈa- tˈɛt] – Rack one’s brain (thinking hard to remember something).
  3. Avoir le bras long [avwˈaʁ lˈə- bʁˈa lˈɔ̃] – To have a long arm (to have a large network with different people).
  4. Se mettre le doigt dans l’œi [sˈə- mˈɛtʁ lˈə- dwˈa dˈɑ̃ ˈɛl’œˈi] – To put your finger in the eye (to be wrong about something).
  5. Garder la tête froide [ɡaʁdˈe lˈa- tˈɛt fʁwˈad] – To keep a cool head (always to stay calm and make informed decisions).

Idioms may be helpful in numerous instances, so memorize at least a few to impress your interlocutor. The French language boasts many more exciting sayings, so remember to consider them when mastering new topics.

Tips for Remembering French Body Parts Vocabulary

Many students now prefer self-learning, as attending offline classes is time-consuming. Considering the rapid development of the digital world, all the necessary resources and materials can be found online. Therefore, learners master French body parts and other essential topics independently. Grab some tips on boosting the process and achieving the desired result sooner:

  1. Be attentive to each new word. Notice an unknown term? Don’t pass by; translate it and learn the appropriate pronunciation. Mastering a few words daily can already bring significant success.
  2. Memorize words with the context. Try to form sentences immediately after mastering a new term; this trick will help you implement it in your speech faster and use it more often.
  3. Read a lot. Choosing classic French literature is not mandatory, which may be complicated for beginners. Start with simpler books, magazines, or themed articles online to memorize parts of the body faster.
  4. Listen to podcasts. This option can help you improve your skills and understand locals better. Moreover, it can be easily combined with your routine: turn on your headphones and learn French on the go.
  5. Speak out loud. Correct pronunciation is critical for French learners, so speaking as much as possible is an excellent idea. Therefore, stand in front of the mirror and repeat the new words to ensure you say everything correctly.
  6. Find like-minded people to practice together. Communication and support are essential, so why not find other people who master the language and enjoy learning in teams?

The above tips benefit every student, regardless of the language they are excited by. Implement them into practice, and you will notice improvements quite soon.

Master French Body Parts and More with Promova

Learning French is thrilling; however, exploring all its peculiarities on your own can be challenging and time-consuming. The Promova platform offers guided courses for everyone who wants to master the language and discover all its peculiarities. In the courses, you will find plenty of new words and exciting quizzes. You can download the Promova app or use the browser version; both options are convenient for users. 

Education is now more accessible than ever. You can enjoy the free version of Promova or subscribe to Premium to get even more materials and tips for students. Exploring language peculiarities is often complicated, so additional professional help is an excellent choice to boost your success.


Learning French words for body parts should be an essential point in every student’s lesson plan. As a rule, we don’t notice how often we use this terminology and don’t consider it crucial. However, multiple occasions when you need this knowledge may happen. Visiting a doctor, going shopping, etc. are when we need to know body parts. Otherwise, how would you say that the T-shirt you are trying on is too tight on your shoulders?

Of course, you can always use an online translator, but in this case, your interlocutor may feel uncomfortable. What if you need to compliment a beautiful girl? Will you take out your phone and quickly search for the translation? We hope we have provided enough arguments to prove this topic’s importance and how often we use body parts French in our daily lives.


Which resources should I use to boost my French skills?

Students can find plenty of materials online and master the language independently without any additional help. However, they’ll still need books, manuals, and translators. In this case, online dictionaries are the best assistants, as they allow one to learn the word’s meaning immediately. French students should consider Reverso and WordReference. These are the helpful tools that will assist you in replenishing your vocabulary and boosting your knowledge.

How many people globally speak French?

According to research, French is the fifth most widespread language in the world. Over 300 million people speak it. These include residents of France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Canada, Monaco, and many African states. French is the mother tongue of approximately 98 million people. In addition, many prefer to learn it as their second language due to its global popularity.

Would it be possible to master the French language online?

Digitalization has opened up numerous opportunities for people, simplifying all spheres. Education is no exception. Therefore, sitting in offline lessons is not mandatory, as learners can find all the necessary materials on the web. Learning French using online sources is possible, but students should be disciplined and form detailed plans for their future lessons. Motivation and the desire to achieve the goal should be the priority for a self-learner; in this case, reaching the necessary level of fluency without additional assistance is possible.

How do I get enough practice if I am not in a French-speaking environment?

Surrounding yourself with natives and keeping in touch with them is the best way to improve and maintain your skills. However, not everyone has such an opportunity, so there are many more ways to practice. First, you can join language courses to speak with other learners. On the other hand, the online world erases all the borders, so you can communicate with French people on social networks. Finally, practicing alone is also a good idea: listen to the necessary phrases and then speak them out loud to memorize the correct pronunciation.


Frankie Feb 13th, 2024