Unlock the Wisdom and Wit of Common Spanish Sayings and Phrases

Elly Kim9 min
Created: Dec 19, 2023Last updated: Dec 11, 2024
Spanish Sayings and Phrases
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Have you ever wondered about the colorful array of sayings that add spice and wisdom to a conversation? These phrases carry centuries of history and a wealth of cultural significance. From proverbs sharing life lessons to catchy slogans, these Spanish sayings have a story to tell and often provide insights into the values of Spanish-speaking societies. This article will teach you the most common and captivating phrases, their origins, and meanings. 

Common Spanish Sayings and Their Meanings

Spanish sayings, known as dichos [di.tʃos], are a window into the culture’s values and wisdom. They often offer advice, humor, and insights into everyday life. Let’s explore some common phrases, their meanings, and how they fit into conversations:

  • Más vale tarde que nunca [ˈmas ˈβale ˈtaɾðe ke ˈnunka] – Better late than never

This saying emphasizes the importance of completing a task or arriving somewhere, even if delayed. It suggests that achieving a goal matters more than the time taken. It often encourages someone to run late or justify a delayed accomplishment.

Mejor terminar el proyecto tarde que nunca entregarlo. (Better to finish the project late than never to deliver it.)

  • No hay mal que por bien no venga [no ai̯ ˈmal ke ˈpoɾ ˈβjen no ˈβeŋɡa] – Every cloud has a silver lining

This phrase expresses optimism, suggesting that every bad situation has a positive aspect. It’s often used to provide comfort during difficult times or to find hope in adverse circumstances.

Aunque perdí mi trabajo, encontré una mejor oportunidad. No hay mal que por bien no venga. (Even though I lost my job, I found a better opportunity. Every cloud has a silver lining.)

  • El que madruga, Dios lo ayuda [el ke maˈðɾuɣa ˈðjos lo ˈaʝuða] – The early bird catches the worm

Highlighting the advantages of starting early, this Spanish saying encourages proactivity and diligence. It’s a motivational phrase for early risers or those embarking on new ventures.

Si quieres conseguir boletos, recuerda que el que madruga, Dios lo ayuda. (If you want to get tickets, remember that the early bird catches the worm.)

  • Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente [ˈoxos ke no ˈβen koɾaˈson ke no ˈsjente] – Out of sight, out of mind

This saying implies that distance or unawareness can prevent emotional distress. It often expresses how physical or emotional detachment can lead to peace of mind.

No me preocupo por los problemas en la oficina cuando estoy de vacaciones. Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente. (I don’t worry about problems at the office when I’m on vacation. Out of sight, out of mind.)

Famous Phrases in Spanish: Timeless Wisdom

The Spanish language boasts an extensive collection of famous expressions that capture timeless wisdom. Derived from popular folklore, literature, or historical events, they serve not just as a form of communication but also as a reflection of society’s customs, beliefs, and mindsets. Let’s explore some of these renowned phrases:

  • Dar en el clavo [ˈdaɾ en el ˈklaβo] – Hit the nail on the head

This phrase is used when someone accurately identifies a problem or the perfect solution. It praises precision and insight in understanding situations.

Cuando Juan encontró la solución al problema, realmente dio en el clavo. (When Juan found the solution to the problem, he really hit the nail on the head.)

  • Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda [ˈauŋke la ˈmona se ˈβista ðe ˈseða, ˈmona se ˈkeða] – You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear

It implies that superficial changes cannot alter the true nature of things or people. It’s often used to comment on the futility of disguising inherent qualities.

Aunque intentes disfrazar el problema, aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda. (Even if you try to disguise the problem, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.)

  • El tiempo es oro [el ˈtjempo es ˈoɾo] – Time is gold

A reminder of the preciousness and value of time, this phrase is akin to ‘time is money.’ It’s often used to emphasize the importance of using time wisely.

En los negocios, cada minuto cuenta. El tiempo es oro. (In business, every minute counts. Time is gold.)

  • Donde hay humo, hay fuego [ˈdonde ai̯ ˈumo, ai̯ ˈfweɡo] – Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

This phrase suggests that if there are signs or indications of an issue, then an actual problem likely exists. It’s commonly used to acknowledge that rumors or suspicions often have a basis in truth.

Todos hablan de la corrupción en esa empresa, y donde hay humo, hay fuego. (Everyone talks about corruption in that company, and where there’s smoke, there’s fire.)

Humorous and Witty Spanish Phrases

Spanish culture is known for its humor and wit, often reflected in its expressions. These humorous phrases provide comic relief and insights into the culture’s perspective on life’s quirky and amusing aspects. Let’s look at some Spanish sayings in English:

  • Estar más perdido que un pulpo en un garaje [esˈtaɾ ˈmas peɾˈðiðo ke un ˈpulpo en un ɡaˈɾaxe] – To be more lost than an octopus in a garage

This humorous saying is used when someone is completely out of their element or confused. It paints a comical picture of disorientation.

Cuando intento hacer yoga, estoy más perdido que un pulpo en un garaje. (When I try to do yoga, I’m more lost than an octopus in a garage.)

  • Tirar la casa por la ventana [tiˈɾaɾ la ˈkasa poɾ la βenˈtana] – To throw the house out of the window

Used when someone is spending a lot or going all out for a celebration. It’s akin to the English phrase ‘spare no expense.’

En su boda, ellos realmente tiraron la casa por la ventana. (At their wedding, they really threw the house out of the window.)

  • Ponerse las pilas [poˈneɾse las ˈpilas] – To put in the batteries

This phrase is a call to action, similar to ‘buckle down’ or ‘get to work.’ It’s used to encourage someone to focus and put effort into their actions.

Tengo que terminar este proyecto hoy. Es hora de ponerme las pilas. (I have to finish this project today. It’s time to put in the batteries.)

  • Ser pan comido [seɾ ˈpan koˈmiðo] – To be eaten bread

Similar to the English phrase ‘a piece of cake,’ this expression is used when something is very easy to do.

Este examen va a ser pan comido. (This exam is going to be a piece of cake.)


Inspirational Spanish Slogans and Mottoes

Slogans often carry a profound depth of inspiration and motivation. These expressions are not just catchy phrases; they embody the spirit of resilience, hope, and strength prevalent in Spanish-speaking cultures. Here’s a look at uplifting slogans and mottoes:

  • Sí se puede [ˈsi se ˈpweðe] – Yes, we can

A rallying cry for empowerment and collective effort, this slogan embodies the belief in achieving goals through perseverance and unity. It’s commonly used to inspire and motivate during challenges.

En la lucha por la justicia, el lema siempre es ‘Sí se puede’. (In the fight for justice, the motto is always ‘Yes, we can’.)

  • Donde hay voluntad, hay un camino [ˈdonde ai̯ βolonˈtað, ai̯ un kaˈmino] – Where there’s a will, there’s a way

This motto emphasizes the power of determination and willpower in overcoming obstacles. It’s used to encourage persistence in pursuing goals.

A pesar de los desafíos, recuerda: donde hay voluntad, hay un camino. (Despite the challenges, remember: where there’s a will, there’s a way.)

  • El saber no ocupa lugar [el ˈsaβeɾ no oˈkupa luˈɣaɾ] – Knowledge takes no space

An ode to the value of learning and wisdom, this saying underscores the limitless nature of knowledge and its importance. It’s often used to promote education and continuous learning.

Nunca dejes de aprender, porque el saber no ocupa lugar. (Never stop learning because knowledge takes no space.)

  • Unidos somos más fuertes [uˈniðos ˈsomos ˈmas ˈfweɾtes] – United we are stronger

As a symbol of solidarity and cooperation, this saying emphasizes the strength that comes from unity.

En esta comunidad, creemos que unidos somos más fuertes. (In this community, we believe that united we are stronger.)

The Art of Spanish Blessings and Well-Wishes

One beautiful aspect is the common practice of expressing blessings and well-wishes. Just like Spanish greetings, these sayings are often passed down through generations, reflecting a deep care for others’ well-being. This section explores the beauty and depth of Spanish blessings, understanding their meanings and the occasions they grace:

  • Que Dios te bendiga [ke ˈðjos te βenˈdiɣa] – God bless you

A universal expression of goodwill, often used to wish someone protection and happiness. It’s commonly heard during farewells, religious ceremonies, or in response to good news.

Al despedirnos, siempre decimos ‘Que Dios te bendiga’. (When we say goodbye, we always say ‘God bless you’.)

  • Buena suerte [ˈbwena ˈsweɾte] – Good luck

A straightforward yet powerful wish for success and fortune. This phrase is often used before exams, interviews, or any significant endeavor.

Mañana tienes tu entrevista, ¿verdad? ¡Buena suerte! (You have your interview tomorrow, right? Good luck!)

  • Salud, amor y dinero [saˈluð, aˈmoɾ i ˈdineɾo] – Health, love, and money

A traditional toast or blessing, wishing someone the essentials of a fulfilling life. It’s common at celebrations, gatherings, or when raising a glass.

En cada brindis decimos: salud, amor y dinero. (In every toast, we say: health, love, and money.)

  • Que se cumplan tus deseos [ke se ˈkumplan tus deˈseos] – May your wishes come true

This blessing is a heartfelt wish to realize someone’s dreams and aspirations. It’s often used during birthdays, New Year celebrations, or when sharing plans.

En tu cumpleaños, espero que se cumplan tus deseos. (On your birthday, I hope your wishes come true.)

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Spanish sayings and phrases embody the rich cultural heritage and wisdom. They provide a unique window into these societies’ values, history, and perspectives. For language learners, embracing these expressions can greatly enhance communication, deepen cultural understanding, and make the experience more engaging. They bridge communication gaps and bring people closer to the heart of the diverse Spanish-speaking world.

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How can learning these sayings enhance my understanding of Spanish culture?

Learning short sayings in Spanish offers more than just linguistic knowledge; it provides a window into culture, values, and worldview. These phrases often carry historical, social, and cultural references, offering insights into the Spanish way of life and thought. Understanding them deepens cultural appreciation and aids in more meaningful communication. For more insights, read our article about how to say ‘hi’ in Spanish.

How often do new sayings emerge?

Like any living language, Spanish evolves with new sayings emerging occasionally. These often arise from popular culture, social media, and current events. However, the process is gradual, and it takes time for new phrases to gain widespread acceptance and usage.

Do all Spanish sayings have their equivalent in English?

While some do, many are unique to the Spanish language and culture. A few examples include Lo cortés no quita lo valiente [lo kóɾtes no kíta lo baˈljente], meaning ‘courtesy doesn’t detract from bravery,’ and Nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena [ˈnuŋ.ka es ˈtar.de si la ˈdi.tʃa es ˈɡwe.na], which loosely translates to ‘it’s never too late if it brings good fortune.’

Where can I find more Spanish phrases and their meanings online?

Numerous online resources are available. One valuable tool is ContextReverso, which offers comprehensive translations and examples. WordReference is a reliable source for detailed explanations and forum discussions about specific phrases and their usage. The Spanish language learning app by Promova is also a fantastic resource. It offers access to comprehensive course materials and expert tutoring, making the process enjoyable and effective.


GeneDec 28th, 2023
thank you for sharing these insightful Spanish expressions