Ja, Ja, Natürlich: Most Common Ways to Say Yes in German

Elly Kim6 min
Created: Aug 28, 2024Last updated: Sep 2, 2024
Yes in German

We don’t know why “okay” spread from the US to Germany and the globe, but we thank them very much. The universal way to say “okay” and “yes” for the whole world. But what about the native variants? People have their own words for yes in German that are used in formal and informal settings. Let’s make your communication more effective with new terms!

Basic Ways to Say Yes in German

When it comes to agreeing or affirming something in German, there are several common expressions that you can use. Why are basic words important? It’s simple – they are easy to say, quick to learn, and you can use them in any situation. These words are the first and most crucial step in learning German.

Ja: The Simple Yes in the German Language

The title ultimately reflects the meaning: “ja” is yes, no more, no less. It is a simple and quick answer and is used all over Germany. Whether you confirm a plan or agree to a request, "Ja" is a versatile word that fits almost any situation. 

Okay: Universal Agreement

Yes, we knew it from the start: top-tier informal agreement. This word is borrowed from English, so it is often used by people under 50 or as a slang word. "Okay" can indicate agreement, acceptance, or approval in various contexts. Its ease of use and universal recognition make it a popular choice.

Kein Problem: No Problem

It sounds pretty informal, but you can use it in the work environment just like you use the English variation of the phrase. It is easy to learn and pronounce. “Kein Problem” has a light vibe of casualty and is used to reassure someone that their request is handled easily.

Emphatic and Affirmative Expressions

What is the unique feature and importance of such expressions? Remember when you tell a story and see how it resonates with the interlocutor. People find common ground faster if a person's reaction is visible in their facial expressions and words. Despite the stereotypes about the introversion of Germans, their emotions are often visible on their faces. Do you want to see them too? Then, these ways of how to say yes in German will help you.

Jawohl: Absolutely

Historically, "Jawohl" was used in military contexts, but it has since become a part of everyday language. The phrase's versatility allows you to use it in any context: try saying it with a big smile in a casual, friendly conversation. You can also use it in formal or work environments.

Sicher: Sure

Like the English version, the German word can be used daily, like “oh okay, sure,” and even in literary speech. Although it is permissible, Germans rarely use it in formal letters or conversations. It conveys a sense of assurance and reliability, making it suitable for confirming details or expressing firm agreement.

Natürlich: Naturally

You've probably heard this word because it is super stereotypical. Despite the literal translation, Natürlich is more translated as “of course” or “of course.” It indicates that something is obvious or expected. When you use "Natürlich," you emphasize that your response or agreement is a natural and expected reaction. It is a common way to convey that something is taken for granted or self-evident.


Polite and Formal Ways to Say Yes

The culture of Europe, and Germany in particular, is low-context. This means that most phrases are universal and are divided into formal and informal only conditionally. This is true, but some words can be too simple for work correspondence and too dull for friendly communication. Therefore, we have selected several polite ways to agree with a German.

Ich stimme Ihnen zu: I Agree with You

What do you need from formal communication? Transparency, politeness, and simplicity. “Ich stimme Ihnen zu” perfectly reflects these concepts. It emphasizes active listening, your interest in the dialogue, and the fact that the topic is clear and transparent to you. However, it can be hard for beginners who don't know basic German pronunciation and the alphabet to say it. 

Das stimmt: That's right

A slightly less formal version of the previous phrase. Well, at least it's quicker to say :) It's rarely heard in short dialogues, but it's the best friend of long discussions and work meetings. In fact, this is the formality of the phrase – it's simply not suitable for small talk or friendly chat.

Noncommittal Phrases and Other Ways to Say Yes

All the phrases we have discussed can be combined into one group – these are synonyms for an unambiguous yes. But what if you don't fully agree with your interlocutor? For example, how can you express in one word a position like "everything seems to be correct, but I have something to add?" Let's figure it out.

Vielleicht: Maybe

A phrase that is easy to translate so that it can be used in any situation. It expresses doubts and ambivalence in a situation. It is a way to keep options open and show that you are not fully committing to a particular outcome.

Wahrscheinlich: Probably

It can be used as a synonym for "maybe" and reflects a little more confidence than the previous phrase. "Wahrscheinlich" is useful when you want to indicate that you believe something is likely, but you are not entirely sure. Something like "70% yes".

Diversify your German with Promova

Want to learn more about German's linguistic and cultural features but need help knowing where to start? It's true that, at the beginning, it is difficult to structure information. The Promova language learning app will help you study independently with a guided German course at a convenient time. Here's what you get:

  • A detailed course for your level. The program created by professionals will improve your knowledge at every stage: grammar, reading, and listening lessons will develop your German and add completeness to your skills.
  • Learning a language as a habit. No more strict lessons for several hours. Adjust the amount of information and choose a convenient time for your lessons.
  • Lessons to improve memory. Interactive tasks and quizzes are created uniquely: exercises help you remember words faster without a long memorization process.

In addition to German, you can try more than ten other languages: French, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, etc. The app is free, but you can sign up for a premium subscription and unlock more features today!


The entire process of learning German consists of many small steps. Compare it to climbing stairs – each step is a new level, followed by something more interesting, exciting, and sometimes more difficult. By delving into different ways to say yes, you will learn about the importance of context and the variety of expressions. We hope this material was a great start to your language adventure!


How many variations of the word yes are there in German?

Native German speakers use more than 30 different terms and phrases to agree. One of the most popular is “Genau.” It has become trendy among young people because they use it literally all the time.

How do you say yes in German with non-verbal signs?

Germans have several signature gestures, but for agreement, they use standard nods, a thumbs up, and a short close of the eyes.

Are there any phrases of agreement that should not be used in a formal setting?

As we have already said, most phrases are only conditionally divided into formal and casual. However, words like “Okay” or “Naturlich” are best not used in formal writing or dialogue.

Are there other meanings for the word Naturallich?

This word has a literal translation of “naturally,” so it can also be used in other contexts. However, it is so popular among Europeans that most people use it as an option for agreement.
