Vocabulary of Cardinal Numbers

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This article will guide you through the vocabulary of cardinal numbers in English.  
Cardinal Numbers

What is a Cardinal Number?

A cardinal number is a number that specifically signifies quantity. It represents "how many" of something there are, ranging from 0 (zero) to infinity. Cardinal numbers are used for counting and answering questions like 'How many apples are there?' These numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., contrast with ordinal numbers that denote position or order in a series like first, second, third, and so forth.

Cardinal Numbers From 1 to 20

Knowing the cardinal numbers from 1 to 20 provides you with the foundational language needed for basic counting in English. These are the building blocks, and understanding them is crucial. Here's a table to familiarize yourself with these terms:

NumberWord Equivalent

Once you have mastered these numbers, you will find it much easier to understand the rest of the numerical system in English. The key is to memorize and practice their use in daily life.

Cardinal Numbers in Multiples of 10

After learning cardinal numbers 1-20, understanding numbers in English becomes much easier. From 30 onward, most numbers are simple combinations of tens and single units. Here are the cardinal numbers in multiples of 10:

NumberWord Equivalent
100One Hundred

By understanding these, you can form numbers such as '33' (thirty-three), '47' (forty-seven), and all the other numbers 1-100. These set the stage for combining numbers and are used frequently in daily conversation and writing. Being confident with these will enable you to comprehend and form any number between 20 and 100, and even beyond.


Hundreds of Cardinal Numbers 100 to 1000

Mastering hundreds of cardinal numbers from 100 to 1000 is a significant step in your English learning journey. 

NumberWord Equivalent
100One Hundred
200Two Hundred
300Three Hundred
400Four Hundred
500Five Hundred
600Six Hundred
700Seven Hundred
800Eight Hundred
900Nine Hundred
1000One Thousand

For numbers within these hundreds, you simply add the 'and' plus the rest of the number. For example, '375' would be 'three hundred and seventy-five'. This familiarity expands your ability to discuss quantities and prices, tell the time, talk about the weather (in terms of temperature), and more. Remember, for numbers between hundreds, just add 'and' plus the rest of the number. Keep practicing, and you will become comfortable with these numbers.

Larger Cardinal Numbers

Understanding larger cardinal numbers is essential for discussing quantities in the thousands and millions, such as populations, distances, or finances. These numbers follow the same pattern you've already learned, just on a larger scale. 

NumberWord Equivalent
1,000One Thousand
10,000Ten Thousand
100,000One Hundred Thousand
1,000,000One Million

Just remember, within these larger numbers, the pattern you've already learned repeats. For example, '1,234,567' would be 'one million, two hundred thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven'.


In this article, you learned about the cardinal number meaning in the context of the English language. Cardinal numbers are essential for expressing quantities and are a fundamental part of learning the English language. This guide to numbers in English, from 1 to millions, has helped you better understand and feel more confident using cardinal numbers. 

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Honoré Sep 6th, 2024
Very important
PromovaMar 21st, 2024
Cardinal numbers in English follow a consistent pattern of formation, with variations in pronunciation for larger numbers. However, they generally adhere to the principles of the decimal number system, where each digit's position represents a power of ten.
fabian-vegaMar 21st, 2024
HI!Do cardinal numbers follow any specific patterns in English?
PromovaNov 14th, 2023
Cardinal numbers are used to express quantity or count objects, while ordinal numbers indicate the order or sequence of items. For instance, "one," "two," "three" are cardinal numbers, while "first," "second," "third" are their corresponding ordinal counterparts.
MIANov 14th, 2023
what are cardinal numbers, and how do they differ from ordinal numbers in english?