Conjunctions in English

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Conjunctions are an essential part of the English language that we always use without even noticing. They help us show relationships between ideas, connect words, and make our writing more interesting. In this article, you'll learn conjunction grammar, how to use them in sentences, and find common examples of conjunctions.

What are Conjunctions

Conjunctions definition: it's a word that joins two or more words, clauses, or phrases.

They help form logical relationships between the words and phrases in a sentence. Conjunctions can be used to show cause and effect, establish a contrast, introduce an example, and much more.

The three types of conjunctions in the English language are coordinating, subordinating, and paired conjunctions. Each type has a slightly different purpose and function.

Conjunctions in English

3 Types of Conjunctions

Let's take a look at each of the 3 different types of conjunctions:

Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions help us join two independent clauses in a sentence. The seven coordinating conjunctions in English are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. You can remember them by simply using the word FANBOYS, where each letter stands for the conjunction:

  • F - for
  • A - and
  • N - nor
  • B - but
  • O - or
  • Y - yet
  • S - so

In a sentence, you would put the coordinating conjunction between the two independent clauses. For example:

"I wanted to go to the movies, but it was raining."

The coordinating conjunction "but" is used to join the two independent clauses.

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions help us join a dependent clause to an independent clause. Subordinating conjunctions are common and are typically found in complex sentences.

We use these conjunctions to achieve several goals:

  1. Establish a comparison
  2. Introduce a cause/effect relationship
  3. Express a contrast
  4. Provide an exception

Here is a handy subordinating conjunctions list:

  • although
  • after
  • before
  • because
  • as
  • even if
  • even though
  • if
  • in order that
  • once
  • since
  • so that
  • than
  • though
  • unless
  • until
  • when
  • where
  • while

In a sentence, you would put the subordinating conjunction at the beginning of the dependent clause. For example:

"Because it was raining, I decided not to go to the beach."

The subordinating conjunction "because" is used to join the dependent clause "it was raining" to the independent clause "I decided not to go to the beach."

Paired Conjunctions

Paired conjunctions are two words that can be used together to join two independent clauses to create a relationship. The most common paired conjunctions in English are either/or, neither/nor, and both/and.

They are also known as correlative conjunction pairs because we use both to connect ideas.

Here is a handy list of common paired conjunctions:

In a sentence, if you want to use the either/or pair, you would phrase it as a choice. For example:

“I can either go to the beach or stay home and watch a movie.”

Other pairs express different relationships. So if you say, "I would rather stay at home than go to the beach," you're expressing a preference instead.


Conjunction Examples

Here are 10 simple sentences with conjunctions:

  1. I went to the store and bought milk.
  2. She was tired but still managed to finish the project.
  3. You can either take the bus or walk to school.
  4. I like both cats and dogs.
  5. Neither my brother nor my sister wanted to go out.
  6. He ran so fast that he won the race.
  7. Not only did she get an A on the test, but she also got a perfect score!
  8. I would rather stay home than go out tonight.
  9. The more I practice, the better I get at playing guitar.
  10. I decided not to go to the beach because it was raining

Conjunction Grammar

When using conjunctions in a sentence, it's important to make sure you understand punctuation rules.

3 rules to remember:

1. When using a coordinating conjunction, you usually have to include a comma.

"I like to go to the movies, but I don't like to go alone."

In this sentence, the comma before the coordinating conjunction "but" ensures that your punctuation is correct.

2. When using a subordinating conjunction to join your dependent clause to an independent clause, a comma is not necessary.

"I went to the store because I needed to buy some groceries."

In this sentence, the comma before the subordinating conjunction "because" is not necessary.


3. When using correlative conjunction (also called paired conjunction), commas are not typically required unless the sentence is lengthy or intricate.

"I would rather go hiking than stay inside all day."

In this sentence, the comma before the subordinating conjunction "than" is not necessary.

Common Conjunction Mistakes

Now that you know how to use conjunctions in sentences, let's take a look at some common mistakes to avoid.

One conjunction is usually enough to join clauses. Using more than one can be confusing for the reader.

  1. "Unless" and "until" are usually only used with negative statements.
  2. "Than" is used to compare two items, while "then" is used to describe a sequence of events.
  3. We usually use inverted order with conjunctions such as "neither...nor" and "either...or".
  4. "But" is used to contrast two ideas, while "however" is used to introduce a new idea.
  5. Conjunctions should not be used to start sentences in a dependent clause.

It's easy to avoid these mistakes and use conjunctions correctly if you take the time to understand the rules and practice using them in sentences.

Starting Sentences with a Сonjunction

It often sounds unnatural to start a sentence with a conjunction, but it is grammatically correct. Just be sure to use the correct punctuation.

For example: "But I still don't understand why we have to go."

This could be an effective sentence in a narrative if this is your style. However, beginners often make the mistake of not using the correct punctuation when starting a sentence this way.

Here are 10 examples of sentences that start with conjunctions:

  1. However, I'm still not sure what to do.
  2. And then I realized I had made a mistake.
  3. But I don't think that's the right decision.
  4. Or we could try a different approach.
  5. So, let's discuss this further before making a decision.
  6. And yet, I'm still not convinced this is the best option.
  7. For now, let's just focus on one task at a time.
  8. But it looks like we're running out of time!
  9. Nevertheless, I think we can still make this work if we try hard enough.
  10. Unless we take action soon, it might be too late!

Important: A sentence that contains only a dependent clause is known as a sentence fragment.

It is incorrect to use a sentence fragment as a stand-alone sentence. Your sentence must have a subject and a verb to be considered complete. For example, "Although the clouds were dark" is not a complete sentence. To make it complete, you would need to add the rest of the thought, such as, "Although the clouds were dark, we still decided to go for a walk."


Conjunctions are an essential part of the English language that helps you sound more natural when you use complex sentences. English has three types of conjunctions: coordinating, subordinating, and paired conjunctions. Each type has a slightly different purpose and function.

When using conjunctions in a sentence, it's important to make sure the grammar is correct. The most important rule is that when using coordinating conjunctions to join two independent clauses, a comma must be used before the conjunction. When using a subordinating conjunction to join a dependent clause to an independent clause, a comma is not necessary. Finally, when using a paired conjunction, you must add commas before and after the conjunction when it connects two independent clauses.

Now that you know the basics, you should be able to easily add conjunctions to your own everyday speech!

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Although, even though and other words to introduce contrastCoordinating Conjunctions in EnglishUNLESSNOT ONLY BUT ALSO


Arabella (bella)Mar 21st, 2024
two thumbs way up for this grammar guide! ✌️
PromovaOct 17th, 2023
Conjunctions play a crucial role in English sentences by serving as linking words that connect various elements within a sentence. They are like the glue that holds different parts of a sentence together, allowing for a smoother flow of ideas. Conjunctions can connect words, phrases, or entire clauses, and their primary function is to indicate the relationship between these elements.
Raul SandersOct 17th, 2023
What is the role of conjunctions in english sentences?