English adverbs list

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Do you want to master the online English language? If so, learning the different parts of speech should definitely be one of your first stops. Today, we're talking about adverbs – words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more information about an action, quality, or other description. In this guide, you will get a comprehensive list of adverbs in English that you can use to perfect your writing and speaking skills.

Common adverbs list

Adverbs are versatile words that are used to modify other types of speech, such as verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and even whole sentences. They provide additional information about how, when, where, to what extent, and under what conditions something happens. Before memorizing the adverb list, you need to know that there are several common types.

  • Adverbs of frequency describe how often an action or event happens. Common examples of these adverbs are alwaysoften, rarely, etc.
  • Adverbs of degree describe the extent to which something is done or the intensity of an adjective, verb, or other adverb. This type of adverb examples list includes the words very, quite, hardly, extremely, etc.
  • Adverbs of manner describe how an action is performed. This adverb list of words includes examples like quickly, slowly, badly, carefully, etc.
  • Adverbs of place indicate where the action takes place. Common examples are everywhere, nowhere, outside, inside, below, etc.
  • Adverbs of time tell us when a specific action occurs. A list of adverbs of this type includes the words now, never, yesterday, tomorrow, etc.
  • Conjunctive adverbs typically act as connectors to join independent clauses. These are the words moreover, however, therefore, etc.
  • Interrogative adverbs are used to ask questions and include how, when, where, and why.

This is the common adverbs list explained briefly. Now, let's discuss each type of adverb in more detail.

List of common adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of frequency help us express the regularity of a specific action. All of them answer the question, "How often?" and provide a scale of occurrence from actions that happen 100% of the time to those that almost never occur. Here's the complete adverb words list to express the frequency of actions.

  • Always
  • Usually
  • Often
  • Regularly
  • Occasionally
  • Seldom
  • Rarely
  • Never
  • Hardly ever
  • Occasionally.
  • Frequently
  • Generally
  • Normally
  • Periodically

Words from this list of adverbs in English can have different positions in sentences. For example, when used with most verbs in the simple tense, they precede the main verb (e.g., I always drink coffee in the morning). When the main verb is the form of "to be," the adverb usually follows the verb (She is always cheerful). In sentences that include auxiliary or modal verbs, frequency list adverbs are usually placed between the auxiliary/modal verb and the main verb (He has never seen that movie).

List of adverbs of degree

These adverbs indicate the intensity, extent, level of quality, action, or another adverb. They answer the question "To what extent?" and help us express subtle differences in how strong or weak something is. Here is a list of commonly used adverbs of degree:

  • Extremely
  • Very
  • Too
  • Quite
  • Rather
  • Slightly
  • Highly
  • Partially
  • Mostly
  • Completely
  • Deeply
  • Fully
  • Hardly
  • Nearly
  • Perfectly

Keep in mind that examples from this list of adverb words typically appear before the adjectives or adverbs they modify (e.g., "very happy," "quite slowly"). However, they may follow linking verbs (e.g., "The room is completely silent"). Also, remember that this is one of the lists of adverbs that consists of words that do not modify nouns directly.

List of adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner help us express how an action is done, answering the same question, "How?" Here is a list of adverbs of manner:

  • Carefully
  • Easily
  • Quickly
  • Slowly
  • Loudly
  • Softly
  • Accurately
  • Bravely
  • Cheerfully
  • Comfortably
  • Vigorously
  • Diligently
  • Effortlessly
  • Fearlessly

In this list of common adverb examples, you can notice a specific pattern. Many adverbs of manner are formed by adding -ly to adjectives. However, there are some exceptions, such as the adverb fast.


List of adverbs of place

These adverbs describe the location or direction of an action. They answer the question "Where?" Below, we list some adverbs of place:

  • Everywhere
  • Here
  • Anywhere
  • Anyplace
  • Somewhere
  • Everywhere
  • Nowhere
  • Abroad
  • Outdoors
  • Upstairs
  • Downstairs
  • Inside
  • Underground
  • Across
  • Throughout
  • Above
  • Below

Words from this adverbs examples list can indicate both a specific location and a general area. They are essential for creating clear descriptions by situating actions in a spatial context.

Adverbs of time list

Adverbs of time indicate when the action happens, answering the question "When?" They can help to clarify the sequence, duration, and specific timing. Here's the adverb word list that includes words of this type:

  • Always
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Never
  • Occasionally
  • Frequently
  • Recently
  • Soon
  • Now
  • Previously
  • Immediately
  • Eventually
  • Simultaneously

As you can see, this type of adverb lists words that can describe both specific moments, like today or tomorrow, and more relative periods, such as soon or later.

Conjunctive adverbs list

These adverbs help us connect two independent clauses, showing different relationships, such as contrast, cause and effect, addition, or sequence. Here is a list of conjunctive adverbs:

  • Furthermore
  • Also
  • Otherwise
  • Moreover
  • Thus
  • Accordingly
  • Nonetheless
  • Instead
  • Similarly
  • Consequently
  • Hence
  • Therefore
  • Subsequently
  • Accordingly

When using this adverbs list of words in writing, pay close attention to punctuation. In most cases, they are preceded by a semicolon and followed by a comma (e.g., "I wanted to go for a walk; however, it started raining.").

Interrogative adverbs list

These adverbs are only used to form questions that help provide more information about actions or circumstances. Here is a list of all adverbs of this type:

  • Where?
  • When?
  • Why?
  • What?
  • How?
  • To what extent?
  • In what way?
  • In which way?
  • For what reason?

Words from this English adverbs list typically appear at the beginning of direct questions, setting the context for the inquiry.

Sentences with adverbs examples list

Memorizing the list of adverb words is important, but to understand the topic better, you also need to know how to use them in different contexts. Here are some common examples of sentences that include different types of adverbs.

  • She always arrives on time for meetings.
  • The water is extremely cold today.
  • He spoke softly during the presentation.
  • They searched everywhere for the missing keys.
  • We will meet tomorrow at noon.
  • I planned to visit the museum, however, it was closed.
  • How did you solve this challenging problem?

These are some common sentences using examples from the abovementioned adverb words list. Pay attention to the contextual clues, and you will be able to recognize different types of adverbs and understand when to use them.

English adverbs list


Adverbs help us modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more information about an action, quality, or other description. Today's article about adverbs lists the essential information about their different types and provides multiple examples and ways to use them in sentences. Make sure to use it when learning English adverbs!

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Adverbs of manner in EnglishAdverbs of Place in EnglishAdverbs of degree in EnglishEnglish adverbs of frequency


PromovaMar 25th, 2025
Knowing whether an adverb is helping or just making a sentence more complicated can be tricky — even for advanced learners. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself: Does this adverb add real meaning or clarity to the sentence? If the adverb gives useful detail, changes the meaning of the verb, or adds emotional tone, it's probably helping. For example, saying “She whispered softly” gives a clearer image than just “She whispered.” On the other hand, if the verb already carries the same meaning — like in “He shouted loudly” — the adverb might be unnecessary. Sometimes, adverbs can actually clutter a sentence. Words like “literally,” “actually,” or “very” are often overused and don’t always contribute much. A helpful trick is to try reading the sentence without the adverb. If it still works — or sounds better — you might not need it.
Sukie IMar 25th, 2025
How do I know if an adverb is making my sentence clearer or just more complicated?
Marwa MohamedAug 11th, 2024
Thank you so much for your help; it's extremely useful to me.
MarthaDec 5th, 2023
Fantastic resource for English learners diving into adverbs! Very comprehensive
Mahesh BabbarNov 24th, 2023
This list is absolutely useful.