Adverbs of Place in English

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Adverbs of place are some of the most common adverbs in the entire English language. In this reference, we will discuss what adverbs of place are, provide a list with some adverbs of place examples, and explore how to use them in sentences. We will also cover adverbial phrases of place to help you create more complex structures.

What are Adverbs of Place?

Adverbs of place, also known as adverbs of location or adverbials of place, are a type of adverb that expresses the location of an action or event. These adverbs are essential to conveying the exact location of an action or event and help us create vivid and detailed descriptions, such as the distance of movement.

Adverbs of place can be used to describe physical locations, like cities, countries, or continents; they can also describe more abstract locations, like a person's state of mind or the location of an idea. For example, “He was thinking about it everywhere” expresses the idea that the person was thinking about something in multiple places.

We also use them to describe the location of an event in relation to other things. For example, you might say something like “The cat is under the couch,” which implies the location of the cat relative to the couch.

Adverbs of place are usually placed at the end of a sentence, but can sometimes be found at the beginning or in the middle. They also come in a variety of tenses, including past, present, and future.

Adverbs of Place Examples

Now that we’ve discussed what adverbs of place are, let’s look at some examples. Here are some common adverbs of place:

  • Above
  • Across
  • Around
  • Below
  • Down
  • Everywhere
  • Here
  • Inside
  • Outside
  • Over
  • Somewhere
  • There
  • Up
  • Within

Here are some sentences using these adverbs of place:

  • “The balloon floated up above the clouds.”
  • “She walked across the street.”
  • “He looked around the room.”
  • “The cat hid below the bed.”
  • “The puppies ran down the hill.”
  • “The birds flew everywhere.”
  • “I’m here to help.”
  • “She stayed inside the house.”
  • “The kids played outside.”
  • “The plane flew over the city.”
  • “She searched for something somewhere.”
  • “There’s a surprise for you.”
  • “The rabbit hopped up the hill.”
  • “The cat stayed within the garden.”

As you can see, adverbs of place can be used to describe physical locations, abstract locations, and the location of an evenеt. They are very versatile and help us make sentences more varied and detailed.


Using Location Adverbs in Sentences

Adverbs of place are usually placed at the end of a sentence. Here are some examples of sentences using adverbs of place:

  • “I found my keys under the couch.”
  • “She walked around the park.”
  • “The cat ran away from the dog.”

However, you can also put them at the beginning of your sentence or in the middle of it. Here are some examples:

  • “Above the clouds, the sky was a brilliant blue.”
  • “He moved his chair around the table.”

In addition, you can use location adverbs in a variety of tenses, including the past, present, and future. Here are some examples of sentences using adverbs of place in different tenses:

  • Past tense: “He walked away from the house.”
  • Present: “She is sitting inside the car.”
  • Future tense: “He will go up the stairs.”

Adverbs of Place List

Adverbs of place are an essential part of English grammar, and there are many different adverbs of place to choose from.

Here is a list of adverbs of place that you can use in your writing:

  • Above
  • Abroad
  • Across
  • Ahead
  • Along
  • Around
  • Away
  • Back
  • Behind
  • Below
  • Beside
  • Between
  • Everywhere
  • Far
  • Here
  • Home
  • In
  • Inside
  • Near
  • Next
  • Nowhere
  • Off
  • On
  • Onto
  • Outside
  • Over
  • Past
  • Somewhere
  • There
  • Through
  • Toward
  • Under
  • Underneath
  • Up
  • Within

Adverbs of Place 
Adverbial Phrases of Place

Adverbial phrases of place, also known as adverb phrases of place, are whole phrases that use adverbs of place to describe the location of an action or event.

Here are some examples of adverbial phrases of place:

  • “Underneath the bed”
  • “Above the clouds”
  • “Around the corner”
  • “Far away”

So these are simply adverbs that combine multiple words to create a phrase. You could say “The cat is under the bed,” which gives more information about the location of the cat than simply saying “The cat is under.”

Here are some examples of sentences using adverbial phrases of place in different tenses:

  • Past: “The dog ran away from the house.”
  • Present: “The bird is flying around the tree.”
  • Future: “We will go across the bridge.”


In this blog, we discussed adverbs of place, which are words that describe where an action is taking place and provide more information about the location of an event. We looked at adverbs of place examples, discovered a list of adverbs of place, and explored how to use location adverbs in sentences. We also covered adverbial phrases of place, which are phrases that use adverbs of place to describe the location of an action or event.

Adverbs of place are an essential part of English grammar, and they are used to create detailed descriptions. Knowing how to use adverbs of place in sentences can help you to communicate more accurately and effectively. With practice, you can master the art of using adverbs of place in your own speech.

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Daisy 🌼Dec 7th, 2023
I appreciate the tips