English Nouns List

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When learning a new language, one of the first things you need to learn are the nouns. Nouns are the foundation of any language and they are extremely important as they are used to talk about people, places, and things.

In this reference, we will discuss the different types of nouns in English, provide examples of each, and give you a list of nouns to help you get started. Whether you are just starting to learn English or are looking to brush up on your existing knowledge, this article will provide you with the information you need to become an expert in the language.

English Noun Types List

In English, nouns are usually easy to spot as they are often preceded by an article such as ‘the’ or ‘a’. Nouns can also be classified into different types:

  1. Concrete Nouns: These are general nouns that refer to people, places, or things. Examples include: "teacher," "city," "chair."
  2. Proper Nouns: These are specific nouns that refer to particular people, places, or things. Examples include: "Mr. Smith," "London," "Eiffel Tower."
  3. Abstract Nouns: These are nouns that refer to intangible qualities or ideas such as "love," "happiness," and "courage."
  4. Collective Nouns: These are nouns used to describe a group of people or things such as "family," "herd," and "team."
  5. Countable Nouns: These are nouns that can be counted such as "book" and "chair."
  6. Uncountable Nouns: These are nouns that cannot be counted such as "music" and “water.”

List of Concrete Nouns

Concrete nouns refer to tangible objects that can be touched, seen, and heard. For example, the word ‘apple’ is a concrete noun as it is a physical object that can be seen and touched. Other examples include ‘tree’, ‘river’, and ‘chair’. Concrete nouns are often preceded by the article ‘the’ as they usually refer to specific objects.

Here are some examples of concrete nouns:


  • Teacher
  • Doctor
  • Chef
  • Student
  • Pilot
  • Firefighter
  • Lawyer
  • Mechanic
  • Engineer
  • Farmer


  • School
  • Hospital
  • Restaurant
  • Airport
  • Office
  • Beach
  • Forest
  • Church
  • Library
  • Theater


  • Pencil
  • Phone
  • Computer
  • Chair
  • Table
  • Carpet
  • Bookshelf
  • Lamp
  • Clock
  • Window


  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Horse
  • Bird
  • Fish
  • Snake
  • Rabbit
  • Elephant
  • Squirrel
  • Fox


Abstract Noun List

Abstract nouns refer to intangible concepts, feelings, and qualities. For example, ‘love’ is an abstract noun as it does not refer to a physical object but rather to an emotion. Other examples include ‘happiness’, ‘sadness’, and ‘honesty’. Abstract nouns are usually preceded by the article ‘a’ or ‘an’.

Here are some examples of abstract nouns:


  • Freedom
  • Creativity
  • Confidence
  • Curiosity
  • Honesty
  • Intelligence
  • Loyalty
  • Respect
  • Success
  • Trust


  • Joy
  • Love
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Surprise
  • Compassion
  • Excitement
  • Happiness
  • Peace


  • Patience
  • Generosity
  • Kindness
  • Integrity
  • Courage
  • Humility
  • Diligence
  • Honesty
  • Selflessness
  • Tolerance

Compound Noun Examples List

Compound nouns are created by combining two or more nouns together. For example, the word ‘sunshine’ is a compound noun as it is made up of the words ‘sun’ and ‘shine’. Other examples include ‘toothbrush’, ‘schoolbus’, and ‘firefighter’. Compound nouns can be preceded by the article ‘the’ or ‘a’ depending on the context.

Here are  common compound nouns:

  1. Airplane
  2. Bedroom
  3. Blackboard
  4. Bulldozer
  5. Classroom
  6. Cupcake
  7. Deadline
  8. Earthquake
  9. Firefighter
  10. Grasshopper
  11. Hairbrush
  12. Homework
  13. Iceberg
  14. Jellyfish
  15. Keyboard
  16. Lighthouse
  17. Motorcycle
  18. Notebook
  19. Online
  20. Overpass
  21. Paperclip
  22. Quarterback
  23. Roadblock
  24. Schoolbus
  25. Toothbrush
  26. Underpass
  27. Videogame
  28. Waterfall
  29. X-ray
  30. Yogurt

Possessive Nouns List

Possessive nouns show ownership or possession of an object. For example, the word ‘John’s’ is a possessive noun as it shows that John owns something. Other examples include ‘Mary’s’, ‘the teacher’s’, and ‘the cat’s’. Possessive nouns are usually preceded by the article ‘the’.

Here are some examples of possessive nouns:

  • Person: John’s, Mary’s, teacher’s
  • Place: Home’s, office’s, school’s
  • Animal: Dog’s, cat’s, bird’s
  • Object: Car’s, chair’s, phone’s

Any noun can become possessive, so there is no detailed list possible in the language.

Countable vs. Uncountable Nouns List

Countable nouns refer to objects that can be counted, such as ‘chair’, ‘apple’, and ‘pen’. Uncountable nouns, on the other hand, refer to objects that cannot be counted, such as ‘water’, ‘air’, and ‘information’. Countable nouns are usually preceded by the article ‘a’ or ‘an’, while uncountable nouns are usually preceded by the article ‘the’.

Here are some examples of countable nouns:

  • Chair
  • Apple
  • Pen
  • Book
  • Car
  • Person
  • Flower
  • Chair
  • House
  • Tree

Here are some examples of uncountable nouns:

  • Water
  • Air
  • Information
  • Music
  • Knowledge
  • Money
  • Time
  • Advice
  • Energy
  • Happiness

List of Collective Nouns

Collective nouns help us refer to groups of people or objects. They can be used to refer to a single entity, even if the group is made up of multiple items.

Here are some examples of collective nouns:

  • Army
  • Audience
  • Class
  • Committee
  • Crowd
  • Family
  • Flock
  • Group
  • Pack
  • Team
English Nouns List

List of Common Nouns

Common nouns refer to general people, places, and things. For example, the word ‘book’ is a common noun as it does not refer to a specific book, but rather to any book. Other examples include ‘teacher’, ‘city’, and ‘computer’.

Here is a list of  common nouns in English:

  1. Human
  2. Dog
  3. Way
  4. Art
  5. World
  6. Information
  7. Map
  8. Family
  9. Government
  10. Health
  11. System
  12. Computer
  13. Meat
  14. Year
  15. Music
  16. Person
  17. Book
  18. Item
  19. Information
  20. Car
  21. Law
  22. Bird
  23. Literature
  24. Problem
  25. Software
  26. Control
  27. Knowledge
  28. Power
  29. Ability
  30. Economics
  31. Love
  32. Internet
  33. Television
  34. Science
  35. Library
  36. Nature
  37. Earth
  38. Fact
  39. Idea
  40. Bus
  41. Investment
  42. Area
  43. Society
  44. Activity
  45. Story
  46. Industry
  47. Media
  48. Organization
  49. Technology
  50. House


Nouns are important in any language and understanding the different types of nouns is key to becoming a proficient speaker. In this reference we have discussed the different types of nouns in English, provided examples of each, and given you a list of nouns to help you get started.

Now that you know the basics, the next step is to start using nouns in your everyday conversations. Good luck!

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Kieran EvansDec 12th, 2023
I was so confused about this topic, but you explained everything to me so clearly.