Verb phrases in English

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Verb phrases are essential for forming sentences, expressing ideas, and conveying meaning. In this reference, we'll discuss what a verb phrase is, the different types of verb phrases, examples of verb phrases, and tips for using them correctly.

What is a verb phrase?

A verb phrase is a combination of words that express an action or a state of being. It typically consists of a main verb and one or more auxiliary verbs. It also may include other words, such as adverbs and nouns. Verb phrases are used to express complex ideas, such as opinions, feelings, and wishes.

For example, the verb phrase “could have been” expresses the idea of possibility in the past. It is composed of the main verb “be,” and the auxiliary verb “have.” The adverb “could” adds meaning to the phrase by expressing the idea of possibility.

Verb phrases in English

Types of verb phrases

Verb phrases can be divided into two types: essential and non-essential. Essential verb phrases are those that are necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct. Non-essential verb phrases are those that are not necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

Essential verb phrases typically include a main verb and one or more auxiliary verbs. For example, the verb phrase “will have been” is an essential verb phrase because it is necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

Non-essential verb phrases typically consist of a main verb and one or more adverbs. For example, the verb phrase “could have been” is a non-essential verb phrase because it is not necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

Examples of verb phrases

Here are some examples of essential and non-essential verb phrases:

Essential verb phrases: - May have been - Will have been - Can be - Could be - Must have been

Non-essential verb phrases: - May possibly have been - Will probably have been - Can possibly be - Could possibly be - Must certainly have been


How to identify a verb phrase

Identifying a verb phrase can be tricky because it is composed of multiple words. The best way to identify a verb phrase is to look for the main verb. The main verb will usually be the first verb in the phrase, and it will be in its base form.

For example, in the verb phrase “could have been,” the main verb is “be.” The auxiliary verb “have” and the adverb “could” are both helping verbs.

The meaning of verb phrases

As mentioned earlier, they help express complex ideas, such as opinions, feelings, and wishes. They can also be used to express the idea of possibility or likelihood. For example, the verb phrase “might have been” expresses the idea of possibility in the past.

Verb phrases can also be used to express the idea of obligation or necessity. For example, the verb phrase “must have been” expresses the idea of necessity in the past.

Here are some sentence examples:

  1. It must have been a difficult decision.
  2. She might have been late for the meeting.
  3. They could have been here by now.

Commonly used verb phrases

Here are some of the most commonly used verb phrases in English:

  • Could have been
  • Will have been
  • Might have been
  • Should have been
  • Must have been
  • Would have been
  • Can be
  • Could be
  • Might be
  • Should be
  • Must be
  • Would be

Tips for using verb phrases correctly

When using verb phrases, it is important to keep a few things in mind:

  • Make sure the verb phrase is grammatically correct. For example, the verb phrase “could had been” is incorrect and should be replaced with “could have been.”
  • Pay attention to the tense of the verb phrase. For example, the verb phrase “should have been” is used in the past tense.
  • Be aware of how the verb phrase is being used in the sentence. For example, if the sentence is talking about a possibility, then a verb phrase such as “could be” or “might be” should be used.

Correct verb phrases can make a sentence more interesting and help to express your ideas fluently.


Verb phrases are important elements of the English language. They can be essential and non-essential for the meaning of your sentence. To identify a verb phrase, look for the main verb. To use verb phrases correctly, make sure they are grammatically correct, check the meaning, and pay attention to the tense!

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Verb phrases can be divided into two types based on necessity: essential and non-essential. Essential verb phrases are necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct, typically including a main verb and one or more auxiliary verbs. Non-essential verb phrases are not necessary for grammatical correctness and usually consist of a main verb and one or more adverbs.
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