Hare vs Rabbit
What’s the difference between them?

A hare is a mammal of the family Leporidae which is similar to a rabbit but typically has longer ears and legs.
1. The hare hopped across the meadow to its burrow.
2. The March Hare delighted in the madness of the tea party.
3. The hunters were unsuccessful in their pursuit of the hare.
A small, furry mammal with long ears, a short tail, and long back legs that is commonly kept as a pet or bred for its meat and fur.
1. The rabbit hopped across the meadow in search of food.
2. The children were delighted by the white rabbit in the petting zoo.
3. The rabbit's long ears were twitching as it watched the fox from the safety of its burrow.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Rabbit
2. Jackrabbit
3. Lepus
4. Lagomorph
5. Run swiftly
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
1. Bunny
2. Leporid
3. Lagomorph
4. Coney
5. Jumping Jack Flash
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Hare", "Rabbit".

1. Hares are larger than rabbits, with longer ears and legs.
2. Hares are found in the wild, while rabbits are typically kept as pets or bred for their meat and fur.
3. Hares are solitary animals, while rabbits are more social.
4. Use a mnemonic phrase such as 'Hares have longer ears than rabbits' to help you remember the differences.
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Frequently asked questions
When should 'hare' be used?
Hare should be used when referring to the mammal of the family Leporidae, which is similar to a rabbit but typically has longer ears and legs.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'rabbit'?
Rabbit should be used when referring to the small, furry mammal with long ears, a short tail, and long back legs that is commonly kept as a pet or bred for its meat and fur.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. Hare is pronounced with a long a sound (hâr) while Rabbit is pronounced with a short a sound (rab-it).
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Some common mistakes people make when using these words are using 'hare' when referring to the small, furry mammal with long ears, a short tail, and long back legs or using 'rabbit' when referring to the mammal of the family Leporidae. It is important to be aware of the subtle differences between these two words in order to use them correctly.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The children have a pet _____ in their backyard.
2. In the wild, a _____ is known for its incredible speed and ability to outrun predators.
3. Alice followed the _____ down the hole in Lewis Carrolls famous story.
4. The _____ is often associated with Easter and is known to lay colored eggs for children to find.
5. A _____ stew is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world.
6. While both belong to the Leporidae family, a _____ is generally larger and has longer ears than its counterpart.
1. The children have a pet rabbit in their backyard.
Explanation: The context indicates a common pet, which is more often a rabbit than a hare.
2. In the wild, a hare is known for its incredible speed and ability to outrun predators.
Explanation: Hares are known for their speed and agility in the wild, a characteristic that differentiates them from rabbits.
3. Alice followed the rabbit down the hole in Lewis Carrolls famous story.
Explanation: In Alices Adventures in Wonderland, it is a rabbit that Alice follows.
4. The rabbit is often associated with Easter and is known to lay colored eggs for children to find.
Explanation: The Easter Bunny, which is traditionally associated with laying colored eggs, is a rabbit.
5. A hare stew is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world.
Explanation: Hare stew, sometimes called jugged hare, is a specific delicacy, whereas rabbits are more commonly bred for meat in a broader sense.
6. While both belong to the Leporidae family, a hare is generally larger and has longer ears than its counterpart.
Explanation: The statement contrasts the physical characteristics of hares and rabbits, pointing out the larger size and longer ears of the hare.
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