Analysis vs Analyses
What’s the difference between them?

Analysis is a noun that means the process of breaking down a subject or problem into its component parts in order to gain a better understanding of it.
1. The analysis of the data revealed a surprising finding.
2. The professor conducted an in-depth analysis of the issue.
3. I performed a careful analysis of the situation before making my decision.
Analyses is the plural form of the word analysis, which means to examine something closely, often in order to discover information or reach a conclusion.
1. Analyses of the data showed that the experiment had been a success.
2. The report contained comprehensive analyses of the different parts of the project.
3. The forensic team conducted a series of analyses to determine the cause of the accident.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Examination
2. Study
3. Investigation
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Analysis", "Analyses".

1. Remember that 'Analysis' is a singular noun meaning 'the process of breaking something down into its component parts in order to study it more closely.'
2. 'Analyses' is the plural form of the word, meaning more than one 'Analysis.'
3. Remember the pronunciation difference: singluar 'analysis' is pronounced as /ah-nal-eh-sis/ and plural 'analyses' is pronounced as /ah-nal-eh-seez/.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the word 'Analysis'?
The word 'Analysis' is a noun that refers to the process of studying or examining something in detail. It is typically used when referring to the process of breaking down and studying components of something, such as data or a text, in order to gain insight or understanding. For example, 'The analysis of the data revealed a strong correlation between the two variables.'
When to use the word 'Analyses'?
The word 'Analyses' is the plural form of the word 'Analysis'. It is typically used when referring to the examination of more than one set of data or text. For example, 'The analyses of the different samples revealed distinct patterns.'
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
No, the words 'Analysis' and 'Analyses' are pronounced differently. 'Analyses' is pronounced as /ah-nal-eh-seez/ and 'Analysis' is pronounced as /ah-nal-eh-sis/.
What are common mistakes associated with the words 'Analysis' and 'Analyses'?
One of the most common mistakes associated with these words is confusing them. Some people mistakenly think that 'Analyses' is the singular form of the word, when in fact it is the plural form. Another mistake that is commonly made is not using the correct form in a sentence, such as 'analyses' when referring to a single set of data or 'analysis' when referring to multiple sets of data.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The ____ of the data showed that the experiment was successful.
2. The ____ of the set of data pieces were conducted by the research team.
3. The ____ of the experiment proved that the hypothesis was correct.
4. The ____ of the results revealed unexpected trends.
5. She conducted an ____ of the literature.
6. The ____ of the data leaks provided valuable insights.
1. The analysis of the data showed that the experiment was successful.
Explanation: Here, analysis refers to one experiment, so it should be a singular form.
2. The analyses of the set of data pieces were conducted by the research team.
Explanation: Analyses is the plural form of analysis. This sentence requires the plural form because it is referring to multiple data pieces.
3. The analysis of the experiment proved that the hypothesis was correct.
Explanation: Here, analysis refers to one experiment, so it should be a singular form.
4. The analyses of the results revealed unexpected trends.
Explanation: Analyses is the plural form of analysis. This sentence requires the plural form because it is referring to multiple results.
5. She conducted an analysis of the literature.
Explanation: There is an article an which signals about using the singular form of a noun.
6. The analyses of the data leaks provided valuable insights.
Explanation: Analyses is the plural form of analysis. This sentence requires the plural form because it is referring to multiple leaks.
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