Often times vs Oftentimes
What’s the difference between them?

Often times
This phrase is not a word and does not have a defined meaning in the English language.
no examples
Oftentimes means 'frequently; many times; often.'
1. Oftentimes people don't realize the consequences of their actions until it's too late.
2. Oftentimes the simplest solution is the best one.
3. Oftentimes people don't think before they speak.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
Often times
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
1. Regularly
2. Frequently
3. In many cases
4. Commonly
5. In most instances
1. Rarely
2. Seldom
3. Hardly ever
4. Almost never
5. Infrequently
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Often times", "Oftentimes".

1. Remember that 'oftentimes' is a one word.
2. 'Often times' as two words is incorrect and should be avoided.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
Often times should be avoided in English a word since it's the incorrect usage of 'oftentimes.'
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
Oftentimes is used in the same context as often times. It is an alternative spelling of the word and can be used interchangeably. For example, 'I oftentimes take the same route to work.'
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, both 'often times' and 'oftentimes' are pronounced the same - 'awften tahymz'.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Common mistakes people make when using these words include using 'often times' when they should be using 'oftentimes.'
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. ________ people confuse the two phrases, often times and oftentimes.
2. ________ it is more appropriate to use oftentimes in formal writing.
3. Working hard ________ pays off in the long run.
4. ________ our parents remind us to save our money.
5. Taking risks is ________ necessary for success.
6. ________ we find ourselves in difficult situations.
1. Oftentimes
Explanation: The phrase oftentimes is the correct word to use to fill the gap in this sentence as it is a more formal word to use in writing than oftentimes.
2. Oftentimes
Explanation: The phrase oftentimes is the correct word to use to fill the gap in this sentence as it is a more formal word to use in writing than oftentimes.
3. Oftentimes
Explanation: The phrase oftentimes is the correct word to use to fill the gap in this sentence as it conveys that working hard will often pay off in the long run.
4. oftentimes
Explanation: The phrase oftentimes is the correct word to use to fill the gap in this sentence as it conveys the idea that our parents often remind us to save our money.
5. oftentimes
Explanation: The phrase oftentimes is the correct word to use to fill the gap in this sentence as it conveys that taking risks is often necessary for success.
6. oftentimes
Explanation: The phrase oftentimes is the correct word to use to fill the gap in this sentence as it conveys that we often find ourselves in difficult situations.
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