Healthcare vs Health Care
What’s the difference between them?

Healthcare refers to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of physical and mental illnesses and the promotion of health and wellness through the services offered by medical and other health professions.
1. The rise in healthcare costs has been a major issue in the current election.
2. Access to quality healthcare is a basic human right.
3. The healthcare industry is rapidly changing with new technology and treatments.
Health Care
meaning is the same.
1. I am passionate about advocating for better health care for all.
2. Access to quality health care is a right, not a privilege.
3. The current health care system is in need of significant reform.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Medical services
2. Medicine
3. Health services
4. Professional treatment
5. Preventative care
1. Illness
2. Sickness
3. Unhealthiness
4. Disease
5. Refusal of Treatment
Health Care
1. Medical services
2. Medicine
3. Health services
4. Professional treatment
5. Preventative care
1. Illness
2. Sickness
3. Unhealthiness
4. Disease
5. Refusal of Treatment
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Healthcare", "Health Care".

1. Both spellings are correct.
2. You may use any of the words in different contexts without doubts.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word 'Healthcare' be used?
Healthcare generally refers to the industry that is focused on providing medical treatments and services. Healthcare is used more broadly to describe the services offered by hospitals, medical centers, clinics, and other healthcare providers.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word 'Health Care'?
Health Care has the same meaning and is used in the same contexts.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, both words are pronounced the same way, with a slight emphasis on the first syllable, 'health'.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
There are no distinct difference in these words except their spelling, so there are no common mistakes related to their usage.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The government introduced a new policy to improve ______________ for the elderly.
2. She decided to pursue a career in ______________ after graduating.
3. The ______________ system in our country is in desperate need of reform.
4. There is a clear link between poverty and access to quality ______________.
5. The ______________ sector is growing rapidly due to advances in medical technology.
6. She worked for many years in the ______________ industry before retiring.
1. Healthcare/health care.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
2. Healthcare/health care.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
3. Healthcare/health care.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
4. Healthcare/health care.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
5. Healthcare/health care.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
6. Healthcare/health care.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
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