Passersby vs Passerbys
What’s the difference between them?

Passersby are people who are moving past a certain location or area, usually on foot.
1. The passersby looked in amazement at the giant balloon.
2. Passersby stopped to watch the street performer.
3. Passersby were startled by the sudden sound of thunder.
Misspelling of the word “passersby.”
no examples
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Passersby", "Passerbys".

1. Passersby is used to refer to multiple people that are passing by, while Passerbys is an incorrect spelling and is not used.
2. Memorize the phrase 'Bye Bye Passersby' to remember that passersby has two b's in it.
3. Remember that Passersby has a letter 's' before the 'b', which stands for 'several'.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word, 'Passersby'?
Passersby is used to refer to multiple people that are simply walking past a particular place. It is usually used in a collective sense to refer to strangers or people who are not familiar with the place. For instance, the police observed the passersby as they searched for the suspect.
When to use the second word, 'Passerbys'?
Passerbys is an incorrect spelling of the word 'passersby'. The correct spelling is 'passersby' with no 's' after the 'by'.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
These words have different pronunciation, but you have to remember only 'passersby', which is pronounced as /pæs.ərzˈbɑɪ/. Passerbys is not a word, so you shouldn't remember any kind of its pronunciation.
What are common mistakes associated with words 'passersby' and 'passerbys'?
The most common mistake associated with these words is incorrect spelling. Passerbys is not a correct spelling, and should be written as 'passersby'. Other common mistakes include incorrect pronunciation and not understanding when to use the words. Passersby is only used in a collective sense to refer to multiple people, and not to refer to a single person.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. Many ___________ stopped to take a look at the beautiful art exhibit.
2. Its best to be aware of ___________ when walking in the city.
3. We noticed some ___________ jaywalking through the intersection.
4. The ___________ were taking pictures of the iconic landmark.
5. The ___________ seemed to be in a hurry.
6. Onlookers watched in awe as the ___________ went by.
1. Passersby
Explanation: Its only correct spelling for the word that means people who are moving past a certain location or area, usually on foot.
2. Passersby
Explanation: Its only correct spelling for the word that means people who are moving past a certain location or area, usually on foot.
3. Passersby
Explanation: Its only correct spelling for the word that means people who are moving past a certain location or area, usually on foot.
4. Passersby
Explanation: Its only correct spelling for the word that means people who are moving past a certain location or area, usually on foot.
5. Passersby
Explanation: Its only correct spelling for the word that means people who are moving past a certain location or area, usually on foot.
6. Passersby
Explanation: Its only correct spelling for the word that means people who are moving past a certain location or area, usually on foot.
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