Plow vs Plough
What’s the difference between them?

a tool used in farming for turning and loosening soil in preparation for planting, and for burying organic matter such as manure into soil to improve fertility.
1. The farmer used the plow to till the soil.
2. The plow cut through the earth with ease.
3. The plow was designed to break up the soil for planting.
Meaning is the same, but such spelling is mostly used in British English.
1. The farmers used a plough to prepare the soil for planting.
2. The plough helped break up the hard ground.
3. We watched the farmer guide the plough through the field.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Tiller
2. Cultivate
3. Reap
4. Harrow
5. Break the soil
1. Reap
2. Discard
3. Discontinue
4. Abandon
5. Withdraw
1. Tiller
2. Cultivate
3. Reap
4. Harrow
5. Break the soil
1. Reap
2. Discard
3. Discontinue
4. Abandon
5. Withdraw
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Plow", "Plough".

1. The word 'plow' is the American spelling.
2. The word 'plough' is the British spelling.
3. To remember the difference, you can use a mnemonic phrase like 'Americans Plow, British Plough.'
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the word 'plow' be used?
Plow is typically used to refer to a tool used to turn over and break up soil, usually for agricultural purposes. The word is most often used in a farming context, such as when someone is discussing the plowing of a field or the use of a plow in crop preparation.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'plough'?
Plough is a variant of the word plow and is used in the same context as plow, mainly in agricultural contexts. In the UK, plough is a more common spelling; in the US, plow is more common.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the words have different pronunciation since in the UK, the 'gh' combination is sometimes pronounced as a 'f' sound.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is using the wrong spelling of the word, either plow instead of plough or vice vers
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. Farmers in the Midwest often use a ________ to prepare their fields for corn.
2. In the English countryside, its not uncommon to see a tractor with a ________ attached to it, turning over the rich soil.
3. Before modern machinery, oxen and horses were commonly used to pull the ________.
4. The annual ________ competition attracts participants from different parts of the country.
5. In the US, there are companies that specialize in ________ snow from roads during the winter.
6. While reading a classic British novel, I came across the term ______ used to describe farming activities.
1. Plow
Explanation: The mention of the Midwest provides a clue to American English usage, so the American spelling plow is appropriate.
2. Plough
Explanation: The reference to the English countryside points towards British English, making plough the correct choice.
3. Plough/Plow
Explanation: This sentence provides no specific clue pointing to either British or American English, so both plough and plow are acceptable.
4. Plough/Plow
Explanation: This sentence does not have a distinct clue for either British or American English, making both plough and plow correct.
5. Plow
Explanation: The reference to the US is a clue to American English usage, so plow is the appropriate choice.
6. Plough
Explanation: The mention of a classic British novel serves as a clue pointing towards British English, making plough the correct option.
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