Ambiance vs Ambience
What’s the difference between them?

The atmosphere or prevailing tone of a place or situation.
1. The cozy restaurant had a warm and inviting ambiance.
2. The dimly lit bar had a relaxed ambiance that made it a great place to hang out.
3. I could feel the romantic ambiance as soon as I stepped foot inside the restaurant.
Meaning is the same.
1. The restaurant had a cozy ambience, perfect for a romantic dinner.
2. The gentle music and scented candles created a calming ambience in the room.
3. The dim lighting gave the bar an inviting ambience.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Atmosphere
2. Mood
3. Aura
4. Vibe
1. Unpleasantness
2. Noisiness
3. Ugliness
4. Unsociability
5. Discomfort
1. Atmosphere
2. Mood
3. Aura
4. Vibe
1. Unpleasantness
2. Noisiness
3. Ugliness
4. Unsociability
5. Discomfort
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Ambiance", "Ambience".

1. Both spellings are correct.
2. You may use any spelling in all contexts without doubts.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the word 'Ambiance' be used?
Ambiance is typically used to describe the atmosphere or emotional feeling of a certain place or situation. For example, a restaurant might have an inviting ambiance, or you might describe the ambiance of a summer night as peaceful.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'Ambience'?
Ambience is a related term used to describe the atmosphere or emotional feeling of a certain place or situation. It also has a slightly more formal connotation than ambiance. For example, you might describe the ambience of a high-end restaurant as sophisticated.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, the two words are pronounced the same way. They are both pronounced /æmˈbiəns/ with a short ‘a’ sound followed by a long ‘e’ sound.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Since these words share the same meaning and pronunciation, there are no mistakes in their usage.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The restaurant had a pleasant ___________, which made for a wonderful evening.
2. The ___________ of the old library was eerie and mysterious.
3. The ___________ of the beach was particularly beautiful at sunset.
4. She was enchanted by the ___________ of the garden.
5. The ___________ of the party was lively and cheerful.
6. The museum had a calming ___________.
1. Ambiance/ambience.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
2. Ambiance/ambience.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
3. Ambiance/ambience.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
4. Ambiance/ambience.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
5. Ambiance/ambience.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
6. Ambiance/ambience.
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
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