From vs Of
What’s the difference between them?

From is a preposition used to indicate the source or origin of something. It can be used to indicate the place, time, or person from which something originates.
1. From the looks of it, the job will take quite a bit of time.
2. From experience, I can tell you that this is the right decision.
3. From what I understand, the new project is almost finished.
Of is a preposition which is used to indicate a relationship between two things, usually a relationship of belonging, possession, origin or material.
1. I am in need of a new pair of shoes.
2. She was the owner of the store.
3. I am not aware of his whereabouts.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Away from
2. Departing
3. Removed
4. To go
5. Evacuate
1. Opposite
2. Away
3. Contrary
4. Away from
5. Inverse
1. About
2. Regarding
3. With respect to
4. Concerning
5. In the matter of
1. Against
2. Toward
3. To the contrary
4. Opposite
5. In place of
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "From", "Of".

1. Associate 'from' with indicating the source or origin of something. It answers the question: Where does it come from? 'This gift is from my friend.'
2. Connect 'of' with indicating a relationship between two things, often involving belonging, possession, origin, or material. 'The pages of the book.'
3. Remember that 'from' often denotes the starting point or origin. 'The train departs from the station.'
4. Consider 'of' in terms of association or belonging, indicating a connection between two elements. 'The color of the sky.'
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Frequently asked questions
When should 'From' be used?
From is used to indicate the source or origin of something, or the point of departure for someone or something. For example, 'She is from France' or 'The package came from the store'.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'Of'?
Of is used to indicate possession, a relationship, or a specific part or quality of something. For example, 'The house of my grandmother' or 'The stars of the night sky'.
Do 'From' and 'Of' share the same pronunciation?
No, they do not. The word 'From' is pronounced as /from/, while of is pronounced as /ɑːv/.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is using 'Of' when 'From' is needed. For example, saying 'The package came of the store' instead of 'The package came from the store'. Another mistake is using 'From' when 'Of' is needed. For example, saying 'The house from my grandmother' instead of 'The house of my grandmother'.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. She received a gift ___ her grandmother.
2. The Statue ___ Liberty stands in New York Harbor.
3. The apples are ___ New Zealand.
4. The city ___ Paris is known for its romantic ambiance.
5. They sourced their ingredients ___ local farmers.
6. Hes a member ___ the football team.
1. from
Explanation: The sentence is indicating the source or origin of the gift, which in this case is her grandmother. Therefore, from is the correct choice.
2. of
Explanation: Here, were indicating a relationship of belonging between the Statue and Liberty. The Statue belongs to or is associated with the concept of Liberty.
3. from
Explanation: The sentence is pointing out the origin or source of the apples, which is New Zealand. Hence, from fits best.
4. of
Explanation: We are establishing a relationship between the city and Paris. Its the city that is named Paris, indicating belonging.
5. from
Explanation: This sentence is showing the source of the ingredients, which are the local farmers. Thus, from is the right choice.
6. of
Explanation: Here, were indicating a relationship of belonging. He belongs to the football team. The word of is appropriate in this context.
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