What is synonyms for call to action

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call to action

/kɔːl tə ˈæk.ʃən/

A prompt or statement designed to encourage an immediate response or engagement from the audience.

Synonyms of call to action


As in calling for something to happen

Strongest matches:

- appeal

- plea

- invitation

- request

Weak matches:

- proposal

- suggestion

- summons

- challenge


As in call to arms

Strongest matches:

- alarum

- call to arms

Weak matches:

- mobilization

- call to battle


Strongest matches:

- urge

- encourage

- summon

- invite

Weak matches:

- propose

- suggest

- challenge

- advocate


call off, cancel, retract, withdraw, revoke, abort, halt, stop, suspend, discontinue

Usage examples:

1. The environmental group issued a call to action, urging citizens to reduce plastic waste and protect the oceans.

2. The charity's call to action inspired many people to donate and volunteer for the cause.

3. The politician's speech included a powerful call to action, encouraging voters to participate in the upcoming election.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term for 'call to action' that emphasizes urgency?

A term that emphasizes urgency similar to 'call to action' is 'urgent appeal.' It conveys a strong sense of immediacy and necessity, prompting immediate response or action.

Is there a synonym for 'call to action' that is more commonly used in formal or academic contexts?

In formal or academic contexts, 'mobilization request' can serve as a synonym. This term is often used to denote a structured or organized call for participation or action, especially in research, policy-making, or scholarly activities.

What synonym can I use for 'call to action' in a marketing context that suggests an invitation rather than a demand?

In marketing, 'invitation to engage' is a softer alternative to 'call to action.' It suggests a welcoming and less aggressive invitation for customers to interact with a product or service.

What is a suitable synonym for 'call to action' that emphasizes collective effort?

'Rallying cry' is a powerful synonym suitable for non-profit or volunteer organizations. It evokes a sense of community and collective effort, encouraging individuals to come together for a common cause.