What is synonyms for skills

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Abilities acquired through practice and learning to perform tasks or solve problems efficiently.

Synonyms of skills


Strongest matches:

- abilities

- talents

- expertise

- proficiencies

- competencies

Weak matches:

- aptitudes

- capacities

- techniques

- knacks

- crafts


incompetence, incapability, inability, ineptitude, ignorance, unskillfulness, clumsiness

Usage examples:

1. After years of practice, her skills in playing the violin impressed even the most seasoned musicians.

2. The job posting emphasized the need for strong communication skills, as the position involved coordinating with multiple teams across the company.

3. Keeping one's professional skills up to date is crucial for staying competitive and innovative.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'skills'?

Common synonyms for 'skills' include 'abilities,' 'talents,' 'competencies,' 'expertise,' and 'proficiencies.' Each of these terms highlights a different aspect of what we generally understand as skills, but they are often used interchangeably depending on the context.

Is there a difference between 'skills' and 'talents'?

Yes, there is a subtle difference. 'Skills' often refer to abilities that are acquired through practice and learning, whereas 'talents' are typically thought of as natural aptitudes or gifts that a person has inherently. Skills can be developed over time, whereas talents are often seen as innate.

Can 'expertise' be used in place of 'skills' in any context?

Not in every context. 'Expertise' specifically refers to a high level of skill or knowledge in a particular field, suggesting a deep proficiency that goes beyond basic skills. It's best used when referring to someone's specialized skills in a certain area rather than general abilities.

How do 'competencies' differ from 'skills'?

'Competencies' encompass a broader range, including skills, knowledge, and behaviors that contribute to someone's ability to perform tasks effectively. While skills are an integral part of competencies, the term 'competencies' also factors in how those skills are applied and the attitude with which tasks are approached.