What is synonyms for even more

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even more

/ˈiːvən ˈmɔːr/

To a greater extent or degree.

Synonyms of even more


Strongest matches:

- greater

- additional

Weak matches:

- further

- extra


Strongest matches:

- furthermore

- moreover

Weak matches:

- additionally

- besides


even less, no more

Usage examples:

1. I was excited about the vacation, but seeing my friends' photos from the trip made me look forward to it even more.

2. I was thrilled to receive the promotion, but I was even more excited about the opportunities for growth it presented..

3. The movie was good, but the book was even more captivating with its rich details and character development.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a synonym for 'even more' that I can use in academic writing?

In academic writing, 'furthermore' is an excellent synonym for 'even more.' It signifies the addition of information in a way that is formal and suitable for scholarly texts.

Is there a casual synonym for 'even more' that I can use in everyday conversation?

Yes, 'even better' is a casual and conversational synonym for 'even more.' It's often used to express an improvement or a higher degree of something in everyday discussions.

What synonym can I use for 'even more' when emphasizing a significant increase?

'Additionally' is a synonym that can be used when you want to emphasize a significant increase or addition. It works well in both formal and informal contexts to indicate that something is being added on top of what has already been mentioned.

Is there a single-word synonym for 'even more' that implies a continuation or an extension?

'Moreover' is a single-word synonym for 'even more' that implies a continuation or an extension of a point being made. It is particularly useful in written texts to introduce additional, reinforcing information.