What is synonyms for welcome

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A greeting or reception given to someone upon their arrival.

Synonyms of welcome


Strongest matches:

- inviting

- hospitable

- warm

- friendly

Weak matches:

- congenial

- amiable

- cordial


Strongest matches:

- greeting

- reception

- salutation

Weak matches:

- hello

- acknowledgment


Strongest matches:

- receive

- greet

- embrace

Weak matches:

- admit

- entertain

- accommodate


unwelcome, reject, refuse, turn away, spurn, repel, rebuff

Usage examples:

1. We received a warm welcome at the quaint bed and breakfast, complete with homemade cookies and fresh tea.

2. Please welcome our new team member, who brings a wealth of experience in digital marketing and a fresh perspective.

3. The software update includes a welcome feature that simplifies user navigation and enhances overall performance.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'welcome'?

Common synonyms for 'welcome' include 'greet,' 'receive,' 'accept,' and 'embrace.' Each of these words can be used in contexts where someone is being received warmly or in a friendly manner.

Can 'invite' be considered a synonym for 'welcome'?

Yes, 'invite' can be considered a synonym for 'welcome' in contexts where someone is being encouraged or asked to enter or join. However, 'invite' specifically implies an action of asking, while 'welcome' is more about the warmth and reception given upon arrival.

Is there a difference between 'welcome' and 'appreciate' as synonyms?

Yes, there is a difference. While 'welcome' is about greeting someone warmly or being glad about their arrival, 'appreciate' involves recognizing the value of something or being grateful for it. 'Appreciate' can be used in contexts where someone's efforts or presence is valued, but it doesn't inherently include the act of greeting or receiving someone.

In what context would 'hail' be a suitable synonym for 'welcome'?

'Hail' can be a suitable synonym for 'welcome' in more formal or grand contexts, often involving acclaim or praise. For example, someone might be hailed upon their arrival as a form of high honor or recognition. However, 'hail' carries a connotation of celebration or homage, which is more specific than the general warmth implied by 'welcome'.