What is synonyms for former colleague

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former colleague

/ˈfɔːrmər ˈkɒliːɡ/

A person with whom one once worked in the same organization or team.

Synonyms of former colleague


Strongest matches:

- ex-co-worker

- past associate

- previous coworker

- past employee

- former staff member

Weak matches:

- old teammate

- former collaborator

- ex-team member

- ex-partner (in a work context)

- old office mate


current colleague, new colleague, present colleague

Usage examples:

1. I ran into a former colleague at the coffee shop, and we reminisced about the old days at the office.

2. My project benefitted greatly from the insights of a former colleague who had extensive experience in the field.

3. During the networking event, I introduced my current team to a former colleague, hoping to foster new collaborations.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term I can use instead of 'former colleague' when referring to someone I used to work with?

You can use the term 'ex-coworker' as an alternative to 'former colleague.' Both terms convey the same meaning of someone you were previously employed alongside but no longer work with.

Is there a more informal synonym for 'former colleague' that I can use in casual conversation?

Yes, 'past teammate' is a more informal option that implies a sense of camaraderie and teamwork with someone you no longer work with. It's suitable for casual conversations.

What synonym for 'former colleague' would be appropriate for professional networking or on a resume?

'Previous associate' is a professional and polished term that is suitable for networking contexts or a resume. It subtly emphasizes your professional relationship with the individual at a previous job.

Can I use 'old workmate' as a synonym for 'former colleague,' and in what context is it appropriate?

Yes, 'old workmate' is a fitting synonym and tends to convey a friendly and informal tone. It's best used in casual discussions or when reminiscing about past work experiences with friends or new colleagues.