What is another word for on

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A preposition indicating position above and supported by or in contact with something.

Antonyms of on


Strongest matches:

- off

- away from

Weak matches:

- outside

- beyond


Strongest matches:

- off

- away

Weak matches:

- apart


upon, atop, above, over, against, touching, aboard, alongside

Usage examples:

1. She insisted on paying for dinner, despite my attempts to contribute.

2. The book you asked for is on the top shelf, right next to the vase.

3. We plan to go on a trip next summer, exploring several European countries.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'on'?

A common antonym for 'on' is 'off.' While 'on' typically indicates that something is active or in a state of operation, 'off' suggests that it is inactive or not operating.

Can 'against' be considered an antonym of 'on'?

Yes, in certain contexts, 'against' can be an antonym of 'on.' For example, when 'on' is used to indicate support or alignment (e.g., 'I'm on your side'), 'against' would imply opposition or being in conflict with something (e.g., 'I'm against your idea').

Is there a spatial antonym for 'on'?

Yes, 'off' can also serve as a spatial antonym to 'on,' indicating removal or separation from a surface or position. Another term could be 'away from,' depending on the context. For instance, if something is not directly on a surface, it could be described as 'off' that surface or 'away from' it.

What is an antonym for 'on' when referring to electronic devices?

The antonym for 'on' when referring to the state of electronic devices is 'off.' If a device is not powered on and functioning, it is considered to be 'off.' This usage underscores the binary nature of the operational states of electronic devices.