What is synonyms for good luck

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good luck

/ɡʊd lʌk/

A phrase used to express wishes for success.

Synonyms of good luck


Strongest matches:

- fortune

- serendipity

- prosperity

Weak matches:

- chance

- fluke

- windfall


Strongest matches:

- Congratulations!

Weak matches:

- Best wishes!

- Cheers!


bad luck, misfortune, ill fortune, hard luck, adversity

Usage examples:

1. After studying diligently for weeks, Sarah felt a surge of good luck when she saw that the exam questions were all topics she had mastered.

2. The farmer attributed the abundant harvest to a combination of hard work and good luck, especially since the neighboring farms had struggled with pests.

3. They say that finding a four-leaf clover is a sign of good luck, so when Jason found one in the park, he carefully pressed it in his journal, hoping for fortune's favor.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'good luck'?

A more formal synonym for 'good luck' is 'best wishes.'

Is there a synonym for 'good luck' that can be used among close friends or in informal settings?

'Break a leg' is a popular informal synonym for 'good luck,' especially used among friends or in casual settings.

Can 'godspeed' be used as a synonym for 'good luck'?

'Godspeed' is a synonym for 'good luck' that carries a slightly more solemn or heartfelt connotation.

What is a synonym for 'good luck' that implies a wish for success in a competitive environment?

'May the best man/woman win' is a phrase that implies a wish for good luck in a competitive environment.