What is synonyms for homeless person

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homeless person

/ˈhoʊmləs ˈpɜrsən/

An individual without a permanent place to live, often relying on shelters, temporary accommodations, or public spaces for shelter.

Synonyms of homeless person


As in lacking a permanent place to live

Strongest matches:

- vagrant

- tramp

- hobo

Weak matches:

- drifter

- nomad

- wanderer


As in in a state of extreme poverty or destitution

Strongest matches:

- beggar

- pauper

Weak matches:

- derelict

- outcast


As in displaced or without a country/home due to various reasons

Strongest matches:

- refugee

- exile

Weak matches:

- displaced person

- stateless person


homeowner, resident, occupant, householder, settler

Usage examples:

1. The community came together to provide meals and shelter for every homeless person in the neighborhood.

2. When walking through the city, it's hard not to notice the increasing number of homeless people seeking refuge under bridges and in doorways.

3. The documentary aimed to shed light on the challenges faced by homeless individuals.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some alternative terms for 'homeless person'?

Several terms can be used interchangeably with 'homeless person,' including 'unhoused individual,' 'person experiencing homelessness,' and 'person without a home.' These terms aim to put emphasis on the person first rather than their housing status.

Is the term 'vagrant' considered a synonym for 'homeless person'?

While 'vagrant' is sometimes used to refer to someone who is homeless, it carries a negative connotation and suggests that the person is wandering without a job or fixed residence by choice. It's less preferred due to its judgmental tone. More compassionate alternatives are recommended.

Can 'rough sleeper' be used as a synonym for 'homeless person'?

'Rough sleeper' is a term that specifically refers to individuals who sleep outdoors or in places not meant for habitation, such as sidewalks or park benches. It is a subset of homelessness and accurately describes a particular situation but does not encompass all forms of homelessness, such as those staying in shelters or temporary accommodations.

What is a respectful term to use when referring to children who are homeless?

For children, the term 'youth experiencing homelessness' is considered respectful and appropriately emphasizes their situation without defining them by it. This term acknowledges the individual's experience without stigmatizing them for their lack of permanent housing.