What is synonyms for iconic

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Widely recognized and well-established as a symbol of significant cultural, historical, or other importance.

Synonyms of iconic


Strongest matches:

- legendary

- famous

- renowned

- celebrated

- emblematic

Weak matches:

- well-known

- notable

- recognizable

- prominent

- distinguished


ordinary, unknown, unremarkable, insignificant, obscure

Usage examples:

1. The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris, instantly recognized around the world as a symbol of French culture and ingenuity.

2. Michael Jordan's jump shot became iconic in the world of basketball, inspiring countless players to mimic his style.

3. The Rolling Stones' Tongue and Lips logo is one of the most iconic images in rock music, representing the band's rebellious spirit and enduring appeal.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a simple synonym for 'iconic' that conveys the idea of being famous or well-known?

A simple synonym for 'iconic' in the context of being famous or well-known would be 'legendary.' Both words suggest a high level of recognition and respect.

Is there a synonym for 'iconic' that emphasizes the aspect of being a perfect example or model?

Yes, 'quintessential' is a synonym for 'iconic' that highlights the aspect of being the most typical example or most representative of a particular type of thing or person.

Can 'emblematic' be used as a synonym for 'iconic,' and how do their meanings compare?

'Emblematic' can indeed be used as a synonym for 'iconic.' While 'iconic' refers to something widely recognized and well-established as a symbol, 'emblematic' specifically denotes something that serves as a symbol for a wider concept or idea. Both share the notion of representation, but 'emblematic' leans more towards the idea of symbolizing abstract concepts.

What synonym for 'iconic' is appropriate for academic or formal writing to describe a groundbreaking or pioneering work?

'Seminal' is an appropriate synonym for 'iconic' in academic or formal contexts when you want to describe something that has had a strong influence on subsequent developments or that represents a groundbreaking work. It conveys the importance and foundational role of the work or idea in question.