What is another word for anger

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A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.

Antonyms of anger


Strongest matches:

- calm

- peace

- serenity

- tranquility

Weak matches:

- contentment

- happiness

- patience


Strongest matches:

- calm

- soothe

- placate

Weak matches:

- cheer

- comfort


rage, fury, ire, wrath, indignation, annoyance, vexation, exasperation

Usage examples:

1. When she heard the news, anger flashed across her face.

2. He struggled to control his rising anger.

3. The unfair decision filled them with anger.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a commonly used antonym for 'anger'?

A commonly used antonym for 'anger' is 'calm.' While 'anger' denotes a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility, 'calm' refers to a state of peace, serenity, and lack of agitation.

Can 'happiness' be considered an antonym of 'anger'?

Yes, 'happiness' can be considered an antonym of 'anger' in certain contexts. Although not a direct opposite in terms of emotional response, happiness represents a positive emotional state, while anger represents a negative emotional state. Therefore, they are often viewed as opposite emotions on the spectrum of human feelings.

Is 'contentment' a suitable antonym for 'anger'?

Yes, 'contentment' is a suitable antonym for 'anger.' Contentment signifies a state of satisfaction and ease, which is diametrically opposed to the turbulent and dissatisfied state of anger. It denotes a peaceful acceptance and tranquility, contrasting sharply with the unrest found in anger.

Are there any specific situations where 'peace' is used as an antonym for 'anger'?

'Peace' is often used as an antonym for 'anger' in contexts that involve conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, and emotional states. In scenarios where anger might arise from discord or confrontation, the achievement of peace—whether it be internal peace within an individual or peace between parties—serves as the resolution and opposite state to anger.