What is synonyms for missing

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Absent from a place where one is expected to be.

Synonyms of missing


As in to not present or included

Strongest matches:

- absent

- gone

- lacking

- disappeared

- unaccounted for

- vanished

Weak matches:

- omitted

- lost

- unavailable

- AWOL (Absent Without Leave)


As in felt or noticed through its absence

Strongest matches:

- missed

Weak matches:

- yearned for

- longed for

- desired


As in incomplete or deficient

Strongest matches:

- incomplete

Weak matches:

- deficient

- insufficient

- lacking

- short


Strongest matches:

- overlooking

- skipping

- omitting

Weak matches:

- misplacing

- overpassing

- neglecting


found, present, existing, located, accounted for

Usage examples:

1. After reviewing the report, we realized there was a crucial piece of data missing, which significantly impacted our analysis.

2. The puzzle seemed impossible to complete; however, upon closer inspection, it was clear that one piece was missing, hidden under the table.

3. She felt a sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something was missing, ever since her best friend moved away.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'missing'?

Common synonyms for 'missing' include 'absent', 'lost', 'gone', and 'unaccounted for'.

What are some formal synonyms for 'missing' suitable for professional writing?

Formal synonyms for 'missing' suitable for professional writing are 'absent', 'unavailable', and 'omitted'.

What is a synonym for 'missing' that conveys a sense of loss or longing?

A synonym for 'missing' that conveys a sense of loss or longing is 'yearning' or 'longing'.

What are some synonyms for 'missing' that can be used in a casual context?

Synonyms for 'missing' that can be used in a casual context include 'gone', 'lost', and 'away'.