What is synonyms for not always

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not always

/ˈnɒt ˈɔːlweɪz/

Occasionally; at times but not consistently.

Synonyms of not always


Strongest matches:

- occasionally

- sometimes

- intermittently

- sporadically

Weak matches:

- infrequently

- irregularly

- seldom

- rarely


Strongest matches:

- inconsistent

- variable

- changeable

Weak matches:

- uncertain

- unpredictable

- erratic


always, constantly, invariably, perpetually, ceaselessly

Usage examples:

1. Despite the weather forecast promising sunshine, it did not always turn out that way, leaving us with sudden showers during our picnic.

2. She is not always the most punctual person, often arriving a few minutes late to meetings.

3. The train schedule is not always reliable, as unexpected delays can occur due to maintenance or weather conditions.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'not always' that implies occasional occurrence?

A common synonym for 'not always' that suggests something happens from time to time or occasionally is 'sometimes.' This term indicates that an event or condition occurs now and then, but not consistently or without fail.

Is there a more formal synonym for 'not always' that can be used in academic writing?

Yes, 'intermittently' is a more formal synonym for 'not always.' It is suitable for academic or professional contexts and describes something occurring at irregular intervals, not consistently or continuously.

What synonym for 'not always' would suggest variability in frequency?

'Sporadically' is a synonym that suggests variability in the frequency of an occurrence. It implies that events happen at irregular or unpredictable intervals, rather than regularly or constantly.

Can 'occasionally' be used interchangeably with 'not always'?

'Occasionally' can indeed be used interchangeably with 'not always,' especially in contexts where you want to emphasize that something happens now and then. It suggests infrequency and is less about the absence of consistency and more about highlighting the instances when something does occur.