What is another word for heaven

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A place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often depicted as being above the sky.

Antonyms of heaven


Strongest matches:

- hell

- underworld

Weak matches:

- abyss

- inferno


Strongest matches:

- hellish

- infernal

Weak matches:

- fiendish

- demonic


paradise, nirvana, utopia, celestial kingdom, Elysium, afterlife, bliss, the beyond, the hereafter, the promised land, the pearly gates, Eden, Valhalla

Usage examples:

1. Looking up at the clear night sky, she felt as if she were gazing directly into heaven itself.

2. After weeks of eating bland, cafeteria food, the first bite of his grandmother's homemade apple pie tasted like heaven to him.

3. In many religions, believers aspire to lead virtuous lives in the hope of reaching heaven in the afterlife.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the most common antonym for 'heaven'?

The most common antonym for 'heaven' is 'hell.'

Can 'earth' be considered an antonym for 'heaven'?

Yes, 'earth' can be considered an antonym for 'heaven' in certain contexts, especially when contrasting the spiritual and divine aspects of 'heaven' with the mortal and worldly nature of 'earth.'

Is there a neutral antonym for 'heaven' that doesn't imply punishment or negativity?

A neutral antonym for 'heaven' might be 'the mortal world' or simply 'the world,' which contrasts the spiritual or afterlife connotation of 'heaven' with the physical and temporal nature of human life without implying punishment or negativity.

Are there any abstract antonyms for 'heaven'?

Yes, abstract antonyms for 'heaven' include concepts like 'chaos' or 'turmoil,' which oppose the peace and order often associated with the idea of heaven. These antonyms focus more on the state of being or experience rather than a specific location.