What is synonyms for peace

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A state of tranquility or quiet, free from disturbance or conflict.

Synonyms of peace


As in absence of war

Strongest matches:

- tranquility

- harmony

- calm

- serenity

Weak matches:

- ceasefire

- armistice


As in inner peace

Strongest matches:

- tranquility

- serenity

- calmness

- peace of mind

Weak matches:

- contentment

- ease


As in silence or quiet

Strongest matches:

- stillness

- quietness

- silence

- hush

Weak matches:

- calm

- lull


As in agreement or harmony

Strongest matches:

- accord

- concord

- harmony

- unity

Weak matches:

- consensus

- understanding

- rapport


Strongest matches:

- tranquil

- serene

- peaceful

- calm

Weak matches:

- placid

- restful


war, conflict, strife, discord, turmoil, agitation, unrest, violence

Usage examples:

1. She found peace in the quiet of the early morning, sipping her coffee and watching the sunrise.

2. Meditating in the early morning brings me an inner peace that sets a positive tone for the rest of my day.

3. The peace and quiet of the countryside was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of city life.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'peace' that can be used in diplomatic contexts?

'Tranquility' is a formal synonym often used in diplomatic or official contexts. It conveys a state of calm and peacefulness that is free from disturbance.

Is there a synonym for 'peace' that emphasizes the absence of conflict or war?

'Harmony' is a synonym that not only suggests the absence of conflict or war but also the presence of positive interactions and agreement among groups or nations.

Is there a synonym for 'peace' that specifically relates to inner peace or mental calm?

'Serenity' is a synonym that focuses on inner peace, calmness, and the absence of mental stress or anxiety. It is often used in personal or spiritual contexts.

What is a synonym for 'peace' that can be used to describe a quiet and peaceful environment?

'Tranquility' again fits well here, describing a quiet and peaceful environment. Another term, 'stillness,' can also be used to emphasize an environment free from noise or disturbance.